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'Hi', she softly spoke, with one of her fakest smiles printed on her lips.
I had to appeal to all of my sense of control in order not to smile back and keep my satisfaction to myself.
I knew she wasn't ready to see me, and I knew she didn't expect me to show up to her match.

'Hi', I replied, my tone harsher than I intended.

I could've seen her shoulders tensing and her smiling fading away as we finally, truly spoke to each other for the first time in four months.
Truth be told, when I saw her beat that girl up all I wanted to was drag her off the ring and into the first empty room and fuck her senseless, - until she remembered who she belonged to.
But mind and body don't often get along, and Pearl was the living proof.
My body craved her, it needed her, but my mind reminded me how much she fucked me up when she left, and the only thing it wanted from her was revenge, hurt her as much as she hurt me, if not even more.
And for what concerned my heart, - well, I had turned it off the exact day she caught that flight, therefore I wasn't sure what it felt and what not.

'Great match out there', I said, keeping my gaze on her.
She wasn't looking directly in my eyes, they were wandering around my tattoos.
Yeah, something else she didn't expect from me.

She cleared her throat and lifted her gaze from my arms to my eyes.

'Thanks', she said, flashing yet another fake smile.
I hated when she printed those smiles on her lips, - her real ones were just fine.

'So, uhm?', she said after a few seconds of silence, 'How have you been?'

I snorted and lightly shook my head at her attempt of making small talk.
'How do you think I've been?'

A rosé colour flashed on her cheeks as she lowered her head a bit.
It wasn't like her to easily get embarrassed, but I could've imagined the surprise of seeing me there, waiting for her just after she came out of the bathroom with her new toy.
Speaking of which...

'Where's your new boyfriend?', I asked, scanning the room to look for the asshole, but he disappeared god knows where.

She lifted her head and arched an eyebrow, confused by my assumption.
I knew he wasn't her boyfriend, but she didn't deny it, which made me infuriate.

'You two were in the bathroom together', I pointed out, 'either he's your gay best friend, which I highly doubt, or you two are fucking.'

Alec being the topic of our first conversation after months wasn't the highlight of my night, but I couldn't hide my annoyance anymore.
Not that it was any of my business who she fucked or not, but if I was hurting it was only fair she did as well.

'He's not my boyfriend', she finally denied, carefully leaving out the sleeping with him part.
Yep, that was the confirmation I needed.

'Yeah, I figured', I let out a little laugh that seemed to irritate her enough to drop the fake smile, 'you can't keep one even if you wanted.'

She crossed her arms to her chest, her lips slightly parted by my remark.
Once again, I bit my tongue in order to keep a satisfied smile from displaying on my lips.
I forgot how easy it was to get her angry, and I loved it.
The way her brows furrowed, her eyes squinting and her mouth opened, - it reminded of the least pure memories I had of her.
I couldn't stand the fact that every time I tried to have a serious conversation with her all I could think about was the way her body perfectly fit with mine, - I could've had any other girl out there, but still the only one who gave me true, pure pleasure was her, even when she was only in my mind.

'Excuse me?', her offended voice brought me back to reality, and I focused on the Pearl I had in front of me, not the one I imagined on her knees.

'You're excused', I replied, trying with all my strength to annoy her the best I could.

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