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There was something weird and slightly scary going on for the past week.
Tom seemed like he was back to normal, - Christian's image didn't seem to give him nightmares anymore, and he looked as happy as ever, - but I still didn't feel safe.
I didn't know if I was being paranoid, but I felt like someone was watching over me at all times.
When me and Tom were sleeping, when we went out, when I studied, or showered.
I had already looked around in all of the rooms, and the bodyguards outside helped me inspect the garden and the space surrounding the house, - nothing, or no one, was there.
Still, I felt uneasy, and began wondering if I was losing my mind.

That day wasn't different from the others: Tom was downstairs rehearsing some of the songs while I was upstairs trying to study, when I felt a noise coming from the window, - it was almost as though somebody had threw a rock on the glass.
I immediately closed my books and stood up from the bed.
I could've checked the window, just to make sure that I was hallucinating and nobody was there, but I decided to trust my gut for once and get away from that room.
I ran downstairs, where Tom was sitting on the couch, with my heart beating out of my chest and my palms sweating.
My breath was short and I was on the verge of having a panic attack, - never in a million years I would've thought I couldn't have felt same in my own home, with Tom by my side, but things had taken a turn for the worst.

'Tom', I called as soon as I set foot in the living room.
He shifted his head from the guitar to my face, a smile on his lips which soon dropped when he saw my frightened expression.

'What's wrong, baby?', he asked, standing up from the couch and walking to me.
He took my hands in his and began inspecting my body to make sure I wasn't hurt.

'It's just'- I said, by I quickly stopped myself and took a deep breath, 'I think I'm going crazy.'

'What do you mean?', he asked, getting even more worried.

'I heard something outside', I replied, pointing to the stairs, 'like someone threw something at the window. I've been hearing and seeing stuff for days, I can't sleep anymore.'

Tom closed his eyes but quickly opened them up again.
He nodded and immediately ran outside where our bodyguards were stationed.
I ran after him, - frankly, the thought of being in there alone terrified me to death.
The bodyguards were standing right outside of the gate, as usual, and they were walking back and forward, watching over the house and making sure no one was there.
When they saw us walking up to them, however, they stopped pacing and quickly stood still.

'Good morning, Mr Kaulitz', they politely said in union, 'is everything okay?'

'I don't know, you tell me', Tom replied, crossing his arms to his chest.

'What do you mean by that?', they said, speaking at the same time again, - something about the way they spoke creeped me out.

'Pearl said she's been hearing someone walking outside of the house', Tom said, 'did you two happen to see anything?'

'Not at all', the taller one on the right replied immediately, 'no one comes in or leaves without us noticing.'

Tom turned back to me, - his expression wasn't exactly sure of what they were saying, but what else could he have done?
I didn't have any proof that I actually saw what I've been seeing, and frankly I wasn't even sure I wasn't going insane myself.
I sighed and shook my head, as I began walking back inside of the house.
Tom said that he had taken care of it, of him, so I guessed I just had to be patient and continue with therapy until this feeling would've left me alone for good.
Tom followed behind me a few seconds later and locked the door behind his shoulders.

'Do you trust them?', I asked him as soon as he stepped inside, 'something's off about those two.'

'Okay, Pearl', he said, putting his hands on my shoulders as he tried to calm me down, 'maybe you're overreacting.'

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