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Once Tom dropped me off, I sat on my couch and reflected on the day we had.
I had a great time showing him around, and it almost felt like no time had passed between us.
I was sure he was going to kiss me in that café, and I was even more sure that I was going to let him do it.
I had closed my eyes, ready to feel his lips on mine, but just when I could've almost tasted his breath, he pulled away and stood up.
The sudden loss of his warmth came over me like freezing water, but I soon came to my senses and followed him out of the café.
I didn't know why I wanted him to kiss me, but I was so touch deprived that I would've let him do whatever he wanted to me.
Maybe I just needed a few hours alone with Alec to make my head stop screaming Tom's name.
On the other hand, though, I knew that Alec couldn't have helped me, even if I did sleep with him.

The next morning I woke up even more confused and tempted to call Tom, but I decided to let it go and spare me the embarrassment of begging for him to just kiss me, - whatever the destiny had for me, I would've trusted it.

I made my way to work and arrived just as Alec was turning all the lights on.
I stepped inside and put my bag on my desk.

'Hey princess', Alec greeted me as he walked to me.

'Stop calling me that', I rolled my eyes and sat behind the desk, turning the computer on.
He leaned against the counter, his muscles sitting perfectly under his t-shirt.

'I sing your pay checks, I believe I can call you whatever I want to call you', he winked at me and, just as I was about to go off on him, we heard a loud engine sound in front of the gym.

It was pretty early and usually clients didn't come in until half an hour later, but I knew from the sound who that car belonged to.

Alec turned his head and his mouth slighlty opened as he looked at the car, - me, on the other hand, took my head in my hands and started to massage my temples to prevent a painful headache from tormenting me.
It was going to be a long day.

'Do we have any clients who own a fucking Ferrari?', he asked me as he continued to look at the car that was now parking.

'You'd be surprised', I whispered, not loud enough for him to hear it.

Not even a minute later, Tom walked into the gym with the biggest, brightest smile he had ever had, and a gym bag on his shoulder.
He was there to torture me and he knew it well.

'Oh', I heard Alec said as he frowned, but he quickly recomposed himself and smiled at Tom, sticking his hand out.

'Welcome to Paxton's gym', he said. Tom looked down at his hand and slowly looked back at Alec, refusing to shake it, - so predicatable.
I let out a loud sigh, which made both Tom and Alec turn their heads to me, but I tried to cover it up with a cough.

'Okay', Alec sighed, a forced smile still on his lips, 'were you looking for classes, or did you want to workout alone?'

'Classes is fine', Tom replied as he crossed his arms to his chest, 'will you be my coach?'

'Apparently', Alec shrugged, 'I'm in the only coach in this gym, so I guess you'll have to workout with me if you want classes.'

'There's a gym 10 minutes away from here that has a lot more coaches, if you wanted someone else', I stepped in.
I didn't want to lose a potential client, but if that client happened to be Tom and happened to have me on my fucking knees every time he looked at me, I would've paid a full membership myself if that meant I could've gotten him as far away as possible from me.
The possibility of me giving in every time he walked through that door was going to be very, very high.

'Trying to get rid of me already, blondie?', Tom smiled, but kept his gaze fixed on Alec.
Alec sensed the challenge and straightened his shoulders, not moving his own eyes from him.
It was definitely not going to end well, for all three of us.

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