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Pearl had a hidden talent in driving me fucking crazy out of my mind.
It was Christmas Eve, which meant that that party she kept talking about would've happened in about a week, and she never failed to remind me.
She kept on talking about how excited she was to show me her outfit, while she continued to try on dresses, mini skirts and bras in front of me.
I would've never dared to touch her without her permission, but seeing her smiling every time I had to take my eyes off of her in order not to touch her made my stomach drop.
It was getting harder and harder to keep my hands to myself, especially now that she forgave me, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
We were finally back together, officially, and if that meant not having sex for the rest of my life I would've died happily anyway.

That morning we woke up quiet early: we had been busy with decorating the house for that night's dinner, and between that, the fact that I had to drive Pearl to Alec's gym, and my mom coming to visit us the next day, - which she still had no idea of, - I was already tired and it was just 3 in the afternoon.

I was standing outside of the gym, leaning on my car.
Pearl asked my to drive her to Alec to say goodbye to him, since he would've spent the following week in London with his mom and brother.
Me and Alec weren't exactly friends, but I respected him, - I respected him for always being there for her when I couldn't, for loving her when I was too blinded by pride, jealousy, but now he could've moved on and I would've assured him we didn't need him anymore, not the way she did before at least.
I could never get mad at him for taking good care of her, - he was part of the reason why she was getting better, after all, - but I was the one who would've taken care of her for the rest of my life, I didn't need him to be so close all the time.
Besides, he didn't look like he needed it as well: since he showed up at our house he had been weird, distracted, and - according to Pearl, - it was because of a girl back in London, someone from the past.
Not that it was any of my business, it was just funny to see him chasing someone other than Pearl.

I stood there as I watched her and Alec through the glass doors: they were talking with Tyler who had just arrived, - he, as well, would've left to go back to his family in New York, but this time he was leaving with a boyfriend.
Lorenzo was Tyler's new boyfriend, the only one who he had ever had, actually, - but they seemed happy, and I was glad to finally see that poor boy smiling, for a change.
Me and Pearl, Tyler and Lorenzo, Alec and whoever his misterious girl was,- it seemed like everything finally aligned the way it was supposed to be.

I watched her laughing at something Tyler said to her, her arm wrapped around Alec's shoulder, who was laughing as well.
Still with her bright smile on her lips, she turned to me and waved, a softer look in her eyes.
My lips immediately curved into a smile, as if that was my spontaneous reaction every time I saw how happy she could've been, - there was a time, not too long ago, where I would've broken his shoulders just because they were touching a part of her body.
Now, though, I didn't feel any of that jealousy, that anger that kept us apart for so long: I was just happy to see her happy, and I trusted her with my whole life, so I knew that she would've never chose another man over me.
She loved me, and I loved her: no man or woman would've ever changed that.

After a good half an hour, she finally gave her gifts to Tyler and Alec and said goodbye to them.
When Pearl walked out of the gym, Alec turned to me and gave me a nod of the head, as a sign of peace or maybe approval, - I nodded back, waving my hand at both him and Tyler, as Pearl walked up to me.

'Hey', she smiled.

'Hey baby', I said, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

'Why didn't you come inside?', she asked, as we both stepped into the car.

'You needed to see them', I replied, while I began driving home, 'it was your moment, not mine. And I'm glad you had it, I see how happy they make you, and I love to see it in your face.'

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