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There was nothing... and then there was something.

Darkness exploded into light and empty bloomed into life. The bright blue sky seemed to open and the ground rose. Where the ground caved, oceans formed to take its place.

Creatures of all shapes, sizes, and textures arose. Birds of prey soared across the sky, their majestic wings keeping them afloat in the air. All sorts of sea creatures cut through the vast bodies of water effortlessly. Land beasts trekked through the biomes; the land was theirs.

Then dust formed into people. Adam and Y/N. At first, it seemed as though the two were made for each other. They explored the land in wonder, admiring the beasts from afar, feasting on the fruit of the massive trees and vast variety of greenery.

The thing that changed everything between Adam and Y/N was the desire for control. Adam wanted to control all. All... including Y/N.

When Y/N refused to submit to Adam's "rule," he grew furious. A fight ensued, and Y/N ended up fleeing, feet pounding as they carried Y/N away from the only other human, away into the forest.

Now we're here, Y/N slumped up against a tree and sobbing.

What were they supposed to do now? The only other person they could talk to couldn't be trusted, and the animals sure couldn't speak. Not in any way they could understand, anyways.

But the thoughts soon drifted away with the daylight as the sobs grew quieter and lessened. Eyelids drooping, Y/N soon fell asleep.

Word Count: 264 words

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