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As time went on, the visits from Lucifer grew more and more frequent. Adam started not really caring too much about the fact that Y/N was constantly running off, as he assumed there was nobody else there except the animals.

Lucifer started to bring more gifts, quite a few were duck themed, though one stuck out to Y/N. It was a ring. Not a ring that implied commitment, no. Just a regular ring. Yet it had a sort of beauty to it unlike anything they had seen. Whether it was because it was a gift from Lucifer or for some other reason, Y/N didn't know.

Soon it seemed he had realized that it would be too hard to stash away more gifts, so Lucifer compensated with more talking time. He'd start showing up sooner so that the two could just sit and enjoy each other's company as long as possible.

The topics of their conversations would be completely random too. One day it could be flowers, and the next it would be imagining whole different planets, naming whole new creatures and imagining how each one would look.

Though some days, if Y/N waited, hidden, they could catch Lucifer singing to himself quietly. His angelic voice, though soft, traveled with the breeze, lifting anything and everything with it- though not literally. If Y/N could, they would have sat in the bushes forever, letting the angel's voice carry them to lands unknown yet beautiful. But soon something would snap them back to reality and they would right themself, stepping out into the clearing. The rustling would always stop Lucifer, almost as though he were shy of the thought of the human hearing his voice.

Every single time, he would chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of his head before their wacky conversations would ensue.

Yet this time was different.

Y/N noticed he had his eyes closed, seemingly taking a deep breath. Intrigued, they waited.

At last, his eyes opened again, a sort of wonder in them now. He wasn't looking at the human beside him, rather staring off into space as though he were seeing something that Y/N couldn't.

"I close my eyes and I can see the world that's waiting up for me." The suddenness of the soft singing was surprising, yet very much so welcome. Y/N, in awe, listened in silence.

"...That I call my own." He turned his gaze to Y/N, a soft, almost hopeful smile on his face. Y/N returned the smile, which seemed to give the angel a little confidence boost as he continued.

"Through the dark, through the door, through where no-one's been before. But it feels like home..." He waved his hand in the air, a majestic glow that looked almost like fire flowing off of it. The scene in front of them appeared to change, seemingly into what Lucifer was describing. While an artificial view, it was beautiful. Almost more so than the garden they were in. Yet when they turned back to Lucifer with a look of amazement, the angel appeared to have a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy..." Who were "they" that he was speaking of? Y/N's expression shifted to that of confusion. "They can say, they can say I've lost my mind..."

With the realization that whoever Lucifer was talking about- er- singing about, had been rejecting his dreams, Y/N gently took his hands in theirs. He quickly turned to face Y/N, being met with soft eyes. Lucifer gave a faint smile, lightly squeezing their hands as though to say "thanks" before continuing.

"I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy." Y/N smiled proudly, watching as Lucifer turned his gaze to the illusion of the world he dreamed of, following his gaze.

"We can live in a world that we design."

Y/N felt themself being pulled to their feet, nearly stumbling if it weren't for Lucifer's support. He gave them a smile, which seemed quite a bit more confident, before tugging lightly on their hand as a gesture for them to follow.

Lucifer led the way with his voice, which was still angelically flowing through the air in the form of song. The scenery surrounding them still altered, changing to fit the words of the song.

"Cause every night I lie in bed, the brightest colors fill my head," the sky seemed to explode into vibrant, beautiful colors. Blends of pinks and purples and reds and oranges, all swirling together in beautiful harmony. "A million dreams are keeping me awake."

Lucifer turned and smiled at Y/N yet again, who was following in what could best be described as a trance, taking in the magical scene around them in awe.

"I think of what the world could be, a vision of the one I see. A million dreams is all it's gonna take..." He stopped, now holding Y/N's hands in his own, his eyes- full of wonder and life- gazing into theirs.

"A million dreams for the world we're gonna make."

Word count: 879 words

A/N: This idea, or part of it, has been nagging at my mind for so long now that, while I hope to make an animation of sorts for the full idea, I had to write it down. If you guys don't know the song, it's called "A Million Dreams" from the movie The Greatest Showman. Go check it out!

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