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"It's... it's beautiful!"

Y/N's eyes drifted around the clearing in awe, then turned to Lucifer with a smile. The angel was smiling as well, seemingly enjoying every moment. What really took him by surprise was a sudden hug from Y/N.

"Thank you."

Lucifer, still stunned, hugged back with a soft smile. The hug was warm, comforting. He only wished it could last forever. Every now and then a droplet of water could be felt from above, yet nothing more than a sprinkle. Droplets danced on the glowing pool of water.

After what didn't feel like very long, Y/N finally pulled back from the hug, a soft smile still on their face as the human and angel both held each other's gaze a little while longer. One awestruck, the other eternally thankful, both deeply caring about the other. Even if they had only met up a few times before this, it felt like they had some sort of connection, as cheesy as it felt to describe it as such.

Eventually, Lucifer turned away sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head with a nervous chuckle. It was hard to tell due to the lighting, but it seemed as though a faint blush tinted the angel's cheeks.

"Ah, sorry. Kinda- kinda zoned there for a moment," Lucifer apologized, almost hoping the excuse would be accepted. Y/N's smile only grew at this, but they decided not to push the matter.

"It's okay." Y/N gave one final smile before turning back to the pool of glowing water, then making their way towards it and sitting down. The angel, having turned back to face them, watched on for a moment before being invited over to sit next to the human. He gratefully made his way over, carefully sitting beside them.

Silence, not counting the dripping of water and the faint hum of firefly wings, loomed over the two. Neither needed to say a word to know how the other felt.

Y/N carefully leaned against Lucifer, the angel glancing over at them briefly before looking to the pool of water again. A small smile could be seen on his face as his wings on the side Y/N was on gently wrapped around them.

The two spent the rest of their time that night like that, neither one wanting to leave the other's comforting presence.

Word count: 407 words

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