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It was the middle of the night. Adam was long since asleep, and Y/N was just getting comfortable. They had the necklace wrapped around their hand; fingers closed around it, so they didn't lose it.

Drifting in and out of a dream, Y/N lay peacefully. The stars sparkling in the sky above alongside the moon which seemed to glow amongst them. The occasional firefly drifted past, and a light breeze rustled the leaves of the trees overhead.

The grass was pushed aside by a strange thing, twisting and winding its way across, over to where Y/N lay. As the creature moved, the grass parted, almost as if it knew what the creature was and was trying to escape it.

Soon it had closed the distance between it and Y/N, stopping. The snake lifted its head up, almost as if trying to see the entirety of the human before it, then slithered onto their arm.

After a moment, the snake seemed to have decided to try and wake Y/N up, slithering up to their face, letting its head hover maybe an inch away, flicking its tongue out.

Having been flicked with a snake tongue, Y/N merely winced, not opening their eyes. The snake did it again. Another wince. A few more times, and Y/N finally fluttered their eyes open. Their vision blurry, they recognized that there was indeed something in front of them.

As they moved to rub their eyes free of blurry exhaustion, the snake backed away, offering them some space.

The white and red blur cleared up to form the snake, white with a red belly. If snakes could smile, it sure seemed like this one would be. It's forked tongue flicking out again, the snake remained where it was silently.

Y/N, however, yelped and scrambled backwards. The snake hissed quietly, almost in a shushing manner, then turned its head to where Adam lay, still sleeping.

Y/N, confused as heck about what was happening and why a snake just shushed them, sent a quick glance over to Adam, sighing in relief when they saw he was asleep. Quickly turning their gaze back to the snake, their eyes locked onto it.

Those yellow eyes... red pupils? Those are familiar.

The snake seemed to notice Y/N's gradual recognition and then slithered a small distance away, stopping to turn back. It was like it was saying to follow it.

And so, hesitantly, Y/N did. Sending one quick glance back at Adam, they followed the snake.

They eventually stopped at the clearing where Lucifer had met up with Y/N, the snake looking up proudly at the human, which looked on in awe.

There were more fireflies now, floating around like stars on Earth. There was also a little pool of water that they had never noticed previously, and it had a light blue glow to it, illuminating the leaves of the nearby trees and grass and bushes.

They didn't even notice the snake's transformation into the angel behind them.

Lucifer stepped forward, smiling softly. "You like it?"

Word count: 525 words

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