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Y/N and Lucifer sat in silence in their clearing, not knowing what to say or do now.

The conversation had indeed gone differently than they thought, but was it a better alternative? Y/N almost would have preferred to see Adam mad. For some reason, the sadness that had been in his eyes... it made them feel just as guilty.

"Maybe this was a mistake..." Y/N broke the silence. It felt weird to say. Lucifer had quickly turned to face the human.

"No... it may have gone differently than we expected but..." He hesitated. The words he nearly spoke were harsh, maybe too harsh for the current mood. But it was the truth. And the truth hurts sometimes. "...But maybe he deserved it?"

Y/N shot a confused, almost shocked look at the angel, and he just sighed, lowering his head a bit before continuing.

"I mean, you said he hadn't exactly been the best to you, and he even admitted that. That's not the type of person who deserves you."

Y/N thought this over for a moment. Maybe he was right... but still, it hurt to know that Adam had actually cared and they just left him.


Just as they had started to speak, they saw the worry in Lucifer's golden eyes. The angel glanced in the direction they had come from, where Adam was. Then he turned back to Y/N, the concern still lingering in his eyes, but this time there was a warmth.

"Okay, tell you what. I'll go back to Adam and talk to him, and if all goes well, I'll show him to this place. Then I'll leave you two to talk. Maybe seeing all this will help him calm down?" As Lucifer spoke, he gestured to the faintly glowing pool of water, the fireflies floating about them, the trees that parted to make the clearing.

Y/N had to admit, it was quite a calming place. With a sigh, they nodded. "Okay... here's to the hopes it goes good?"

The angel smiled. "Here's to the hopes it goes good."

Word count: 362 words

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