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Adam woke up the next day with a feeling of numbness. Was he sad? Angry? It was hard to tell.

He slowly sat himself up, not even bothering to rub the sleep from his eyes this time. He just sat in silence for a solid minute before sighing, laying back again. He just wanted to go back to sleep.

And apparently, he achieved this because when he woke up next, it was because of a gentle shaking. He groaned sleepily and tried to lazily shoo the thing that was shaking him. At first it stopped, and Adam tried to slip back into the deep slumber only to be shaken again.

Adam huffed, his eyes fluttering open. "Okay, okay... I'm awake." He sat up, eyes narrowed sleepily and out of annoyance. His vision soon cleared up, and saw that Lucifer was sitting in front of him... again.

But this time, Y/N wasn't with him. Just this alone arose so many questions in Adam, but he only asked one. "What do you want this time...?"

Lucifer hesitated, trying to figure out the best words to use. He understood Adam wasn't in the best headspace, so say one wrong thing and the whole plan would be ruined. After a few seconds, Lucifer sighed. He didn't even realize he was fumbling with his hands anxiously.

"Um, I'm... I'm sorry for how things went with the whole... you know," Lucifer started, a tone of worry in his voice. Why was he overthinking this so much? He looked down at his hands, and at the realization that he had been fumbling not only with his words but with his hands, he clenched his fists to stop it. The angel took a deep breath, looking back up to see Adam's suspicious expression.

"Sorry, lemme start again. I wanted to apologize for the whole situation, and I get that it might not help in the slightest..."

Adam hummed in agreement, it definitely didn't help, but he was too tired to shut down the conversation. He was still pissed off, that much was true, but he had just woken up.

"...And- if you wanted to- I could... um... show you something. Might help with the shock. And maybe you could ask whatever questions you want to ask on the way there?" Lucifer paused, then remembered the part about Y/N wanting to talk to Adam as well. Best to bring that up so it's not as startling. "And, um, Y/N will be there. They said they wanted to talk too, but again it's only if you're okay with it... I understand if you don't."

A blanket of silence soon covered them, Adam letting the words sink in and Lucifer anxiously waiting for a reply.

Did he actually think he could handle seeing them again? It was true, his mind was all over the place and it was scary. But this was a chance for closure, for questions to be answered that might never be answered otherwise.

But why would he ever want to see Y/N after what happened?

Word count: 528 words

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