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A/N: You guessed it. More swearing. Enjoy! Oh yeah- there's some blood too. Just a heads up!

How long had it been since his world got flipped upside down? A minute? Five? An hour? Maybe four? It felt like an eternity ago and merely seconds ago all at once.

Adam sat leaning up against a tree. He felt numb, yet the pain and anger raged like a storm inside of him. Yet he couldn't even be mad at Y/N, could he? After all, he was the one who fucked around, he was the one who had been the asshole. And he just expected Y/N to stay?

Adam shook his head, burying his face in his hands. This is stupid, this is all so stupid. He wanted to do better but it was too late. And there was nobody else in the garden- unless an angel came down to him too but the chances of that happening to him? Nonexistent.

When he lowered his hands, Adam's gaze fell upon the tree. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad. The Forbidden Fruit.

It was so appealing. To be able to know... everything? Everything seemed like a major exaggeration.

Adam sighed, turning his back to the Tree.

"Fuck, dude..." He mumbled to nobody in particular. The more he thought about the talk the more the pain, the hurt, the anger started to consume his thoughts.

In an impulsive burst of hurt rage, Adam picked up a rock and threw it with all his might with a yell at the ground before him. Tears threatened to spill over yet again, but at this point he didn't care. His emotions blinding him, he stood, turning around and punching the tree that had once been behind him with all the force he could muster.

A stinging pain in his fist caused him to quickly retract his hand from the wood. "Ow- shit!" He held his hand gingerly as a red liquid leaked out of it.

Not exactly knowing what to do, nor caring that he was bleeding, Adam gave the tree a kick and- as his foot was now hurting too, limped off to where he normally slept, curling up into a ball as tears streamed down his face and formed a small pool in the dirt and grass. His bleeding hand, which felt like it was burning as well as stinging almost unbearably, now lay limply in the grass, the blood dripping onto each green blade.

The tears soon managed to lull Adam to sleep.

Word count: 433 words

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