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About an hour later, maybe more, Y/N and Lucifer were watching the sun set together, both sitting up against the same tree, wearing their flower crowns (and Y/N their duck necklace). It felt like everything else had faded away, like everything had come down to just them. Nothing else could disturb them.

The setting sun painted the sky a beautiful fire of oranges and pinks and purples, the colors blending together and illuminating everything the light touched. A soft breeze ruffled the leaves of trees, bushes, flowers, the feathers of the angel's wings, and the hair of both Y/N and Lucifer.

It was perfect.

The moment could have lasted forever, and neither would care.

Yet time never stops, and as it grew darker, Y/N knew they should probably be leaving soon. Lucifer knew this as well and sighed.

"Well, I guess we should be leaving, huh?" There was a sort of sad tone in his voice, but he smiled nonetheless. "Hopefully next visit won't take a month to come around." He chuckled, almost as though he were trying to mask his reluctancy to leave.

Y/N just smiled sadly and nodded. "See you soon?"

"See you soon, Y/N."


Y/N had gotten back to the little clearing where they and Adam resided, hesitating for a second before stepping out of the shadows.

Adam quickly took notice of Y/N's arrival and stood up, a big grin plastered on his face.

"Y/N! There you are! Whatcha been up to? You've been gone for a while." He raised an eyebrow questioningly. He had probably already noticed the flower crown and didn't seem to care too much for it, but he then saw the crystal duck necklace and tilted his head.

"Ooh, what's that?" He pointed to the necklace, which Y/N quickly stepped back. They only had the necklace for a few hours, but God forbid they lost it... and to him.

Adam noticed this and smirked. "Aw, come on, let me see it!"

After a moment of consideration, Y/N decided to just let him look at the necklace, but only for a minute. They reached back behind their neck, fumbling with the tiny little latch to unhook it, then carefully offered it over to Adam. He took it eagerly, taking great care to admire the tiny little crystalline duck.

"Woah... where did you get this?" It seemed for the first time in who-knows-how-long, Adam was in awe. But Y/N couldn't answer the question. If he found out about Lucifer, who knows what his reaction would be. Would he be shocked? Angry? Would he forbid them from ever visiting Lucifer again? They didn't want to risk it.

"Oh, I just found it lying on the ground somewhere," Y/N lied. Adam had already grown suspicious over the timespan of a month as to what Y/N was doing on their outings, but hopefully he wouldn't be suspicious of the duck necklace.

Adam raised an eyebrow again but after a moment seemed to have decided to not ask, handing the necklace back over to Y/N.

Word count: 535 words

A/N: I didn't really know at first how I wanted to write Adam, whether to make him as rude as he is in the show or to make him nicer, as though it was him before he got emotionally broken by Lilith and Eve (that's just my head canon as to why he's like that though, might not be true.) I still don't exactly know at this point in writing how I'm going to proceed with his character, but as the story goes on, I will try to write him better.

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