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A/N: There will be some swearing in this. I mean, if you've watched HH (and I'm sure you have) then you should be fine but just in case.

Adam, finally having rubbed the sleep from his eyes, seemed stunned. He looked at Y/N, then at Lucifer. After registering the fact that an angel was sitting in front of him, his eyes widened.

"Woah- how did- who-" It was strange seeing Adam this shocked, the fear and awe in his eyes changing everything about him. It only made telling him that much more difficult.

Y/N took a deep breath before speaking. "Adam, this is Lucifer." Seeing that Adam hadn't exactly reacted to this, they took it as a sign to keep going. "And... well, when I had been going off into the forest, I just want to know. What had you been thinking I was doing?"

Adam, his shock fading slowly and suspicion taking it's place, played along. He answered slowly. "I... thought that you were just going off to hang out with the animals or something." He glanced over at Lucifer, who seemed to be growing a bit anxious, then back at Y/N. They could see his brain gears turning, trying to process what was happening.

When Y/N averted their gaze with a guilty look, Adam's eyes narrowed. Not in anger, but he felt a bit of betrayal. Nevertheless, he allowed for Lucifer to step up for an explanation.

"Well, that- um- isn't exactly the case..." Lucifer glanced over to Y/N, both asking if they were okay and if he could continue at the same time, both silently. Adam took note of this, his suspicion only growing and a pit in his stomach growing by the second. Y/N nodded, both an answer to the silent question and permission to continue.

"Uh, okay then..." Lucifer started, and Adam's attention snapped from Y/N to the angel. It was hard to tell if that was hatred in Adam's eyes or hurt. Possibly both? Lucifer sighed, then continued.

"Well, Y/N and I have been meeting up- just to chat," Lucifer added quickly. But before he could keep going with his explaination, Adam intervined.

"How long has this been going on...?" His voice was low, and he seemed to have already figured out a general idea of what was going on- as reflected by the pain in his eyes. Y/N saw this, their own expression saddening as they turned to Lucifer. After a few seconds, they returned their gaze to meet Adam's.

"A few months now..." Adam's shoulders slumped at this, almost as if he had been hoping that this were only a newer situation, but that would be stupid to think with how long Y/N had been running off for. He hardly saw them anymore, and knowing this it made more sense. Adam looked at Y/N, then Lucifer. An angel instead of him. Adam looked down, his eyes searching the ground as though it could provide him some sort of answer, some explaination, anything.

He only saw his own errors.

Y/N couldn't watch Adam anymore. Knowing that he was more than likely hurt, it was too much to bear. They turned to Lucifer for advice, but the angel provided none. He just shook his head. They had done what they planned to do. All they could do was wait.

It didn't take long for the wait to be over, Adam breaking the silence. "So- so what? You two gonna be a thing now?" His voice sounded a little shaky, and when he finally looked up at the two, his eyes reflected his hurt. "I mean, I know I haven't been the best but you also haven't been around and- and..." His attention now shifted to Lucifer, his eyes narrowing slightly as he continued. "...But then again, how could I ever compare to a literal angel..."

There was a strange undertone of jealousy in his words as Adam spoke, but the most prominent emotion was anguish. Lucifer averted his gaze, trying to find some answer to Adam's statement. "Look... I'm sorry for- for all this. But it would have been wrong to leave you in the dark-"

"Of course it would have been fucking wrong!" Adam cut in. However, rather than the anger on his face being reflected in his voice, it was shaky. Almost as though he were going to cry. But he was too stubborn for that. "I-I-I just- it was just us two, Y/N and I, in this garden and then you just show up? And then all of a sudden Y/N is around less and less, and- and it gets lonely-" Adam paused, taking a deep breath that was meant to steady himself but ultimately failed.

"And- I almost ate the Forbidden Fruit just because I thought if I did I would know what was happening and why they weren't around as much. So I could change and then they'd wanna be around more..." Adam's gaze returned to the ground, and two shimmering droplets of water fell from his face. He sniffled, wiping his face, but not speaking more.

Y/N hesitated. This was way more than they anticipated. Adam actually cared? They glanced at Lucifer with a concerned look, only to see that the angel was just as stunned.

They sighed, and Y/N inched closer to Adam, placing a gentle hand on his back. "Adam..." They wanted to offer comforting words, but none arose. Adam sniffled once more before shooing Y/N's hand away.

"No- just... no. Don't 'Adam' me. Run off again, you and that angel buddy of yours. Go fuck around or something... but next time you come back, maybe come back with better news..." Adam's tone was harsh, but it was understandable. They may as well have thrown him into the Sun. His whole world would probably have been altered by what Y/N and Lucifer had to tell him.

The Lucifer and Y/N exchanged glances once more, then reluctantly left Adam to himself once again.

Word count: 1,042 words

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