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A/N: This chapter will follow Lucifer rather than Y/N. I just thought I should give a heads up. Oh yeah, and Michael is likely not going to be 100% accurate, or even 50% accurate. Just be prepared.

Lucifer had returned to Heaven with a big smile on his face and a skip in any step he took in between bursts of flight. His joy turned the heads of many of the angels, who grew curious of what he could be so happy about.

The lighthearted angel skipped and glided his way to the palace with such energy that a child on a sugar rush couldn't keep up. It was apparently contagious, seeing as the other angels seemed a bit more cheerful.

Lucifer landed right in front of the palace doors, taking a deep breath before pushing them open. Heads immediately turned as the people in the main hall looked to see who might be joining them this time. At the realization that it was just Lucifer again, they returned to their usual business.

This didn't burst Lucifer's bubble of joy, however. He skipped off to find the Seraphim's, or at least his "siblings." (He considered them to be his siblings, seeing as they weren't actual blood relatives and were merely created, not born.) And it was the "siblings" he first found, all of which were sitting around a circle table and had apparently been conversing before Lucifer barged in. Although, after further inspection, it was only one of the angels he actually knew, the others were just random angels.

"Ah, there he is. The Morning Star himself..." One of the angels spoke up in a scornful tone. The others, taking note of the mood, quickly scattered, soon finding their way out the door, leaving Lucifer with the remaining angel.

His smile soon faded; his tone lacked the energy it would have had prior. "Michael..." He paused, shaking his head slightly, the smile returning, as well as the energy in his voice. "I have some good news!"

Michael hesitated, then shrugged with a quiet sigh. "Alright... come, tell me about it." He gestured to the chair across from him, and Lucifer bounded over, quickly taking a seat.

"So, there's this person, right? Over in the Garden of Eden-"

"I'll stop you right there," Michael cut in. He fell silent for a moment, as if plotting his next words carefully, then spoke. "What were you doing in the Garden? We aren't supposed to interfere unless instructed to do so."

Lucifer, after a moment's silence- and an attempt to think up an excuse, reluctantly answered. "I had heard some of the angels gossiping about a new project of the Heavenly Father's and was curious. I didn't think there would be people there..." He trailed off, noting Michael's disbelieving look, and sighed. "Okay, so I did know there were people there... but I didn't know what they would be like, so I went in."

Michael listened, seemingly uninterested at first, but growing curious as he reflected on the other angel's words. "Okay, okay. So, what were you saying about this... 'person'?"

Lucifer, who had started fumbling on words to find some excuse, looked up at Michael with a bright look in his eyes. "Right! So, their name is Y/N, and-"

"Let me guess, you like them?" Michael butted in... again. He had a smug grin on his face as he eyed the smaller angel's now stunned and embarrassed expression.

"Wha- how did you-" Lucifer was tripping over his words again, only making the other chuckle, amused by Lucifer's reaction.

"It wasn't that difficult to piece together, Morning Star. You always run off to who-knows-where, which I guess was the Garden, always carrying something. Then you come in here happier than normal to rant about someone from the Garden. It's not rocket science." Michael crossed his arms, watching and waiting to see how Lucifer would react this time.

Yet he was only met with awkward silence. Lucifer was looking down at his hands, and it was hard to tell if he had a small smile on his face or not, but it was clear that his face had a golden tint to it. He was also fumbling with his hands. The angel's awkwardness only made Michael smile.

"So, you really like them, huh?" He nodded to one of Lucifer's pockets. "Enough for one of those?"

Lucifer shot a confused look towards the other angel, then glanced down at the pocket in question. The little silver and golden accented box glinted in the light of the room. At the realization that it was, indeed, visible, Lucifer's face flushed a vibrant gold color, and he stuffed the box deeper into his pocket. "Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot!

Michael sighed, a faint smile remaining on his face. "Look, we have different views at times, sure. But just this once I'll set that aside." Lucifer looked up at Michael, wide eyed. The other angel nodded.

"So, let me ask you something. When did you figure out that this was the one? Honestly, I never thought it were possible for us angels to ever find love, seeing as we can't really... you know..." At this, Lucifer chuckled.

"I know what you mean. As for your question? Well..." He sighed, reaching back into the pocket that housed the silver and gold box and retrieving it, turning it in his hands a few times. Finally, he looked back up at Michael with a smile.

"I knew the moment I saw them."

Word count: 950 words

A/N: As an explanation for the blush being gold, well, it's simple. Lucifer's blood is gold. Therefore, I assumed that his blush would be too. Makes sense to me, anyways.

As for his relationship with Michael. My assumption is that they were relatively close- er, closer than they were just before Lucifer fell. They would have differing viewpoints, but other than that they weren't enemies. So, I figured I could write Michael as a good "brother" to Lucifer (he gives me older brother vibes, and Lucifer gives me younger brother vibes). THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF THE ANGELS. It's just how I view them with my current knowledge.

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