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The hug was warm, comforting. Maybe more so now that both of them were finally able to accept their feelings instead of stuffing them down. It was as though a huge weight had been lifted off, especially for Lucifer.

He sighed contently, and it felt like the world had fallen away, leaving just the two of them. Human and angel. Dust and Ducks.

Though he had felt a bit let down when Y/N pulled away from the hug. They glanced around, a worried look on their face.

"But what about Adam? We both know how he is..." Lucifer let these words turn in his mind. It was true, he did know how Adam could be, even if it was just from stories. "I mean, I was planning on telling hi-"

"Don't." Lucifer cut Y/N off quickly. "Don't do that. I'll tell him." He paused, looking down thoughtfully before turning his attention back to Y/N. "If you wanted, though, you could be there..?"

Y/N considered this. They'd probably be safer with Lucifer there, just in case Adam did lash out. In his defense, they had been seeing Lucifer without so much as letting Adam know what was going on... it would be a good idea to be there, right? The human nodded.

"Yeah, I'd like that." They smiled softly, the angel before them returning the smile.

"Alright. Now we just need to figure out when..." Lucifer said, his voice low as if he were thinking out loud to himself. A moment of silence passed before Y/N chirped up.

"How about tomorrow? If not then, maybe some time the day after?" Lucifer thought this over, trying to think if he had any meetings or anything of the sort in those days, then nodded.

"Then it's settled! Tomorrow, we talk to Adam..." Y/N gently took Lucifer's hand in their own. It was warm, comforting.


Word count: 329 words

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