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The next day, Y/N had rushed off to the same spot they had met Lucifer at, eager to meet up with him again.

After a couple minutes of silent waiting, which felt like an eternity, they had an idea. What if they made something for Lucifer, as a gift of sorts!

They looked at their surroundings, hoping to catch sight of particularly beautiful flowers or fruits, or even basic plants. There wasn't much, but there were some pomegranate flowers and tulips, as well as some pretty ferns that could go together to make a flower crown or two.

Thus, Y/N passed the time by collecting flowers and ferns, finding and experimenting with different ways to perfectly craft a flower crown.

After about a dozen run-throughs of trial and error, finally they made two perfect flower crowns. They smiled, leaning back up against a tree and waiting for Lucifer's arrival.

Hopefully he'll like the gift

Word count: 163 words

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