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Eventually the two managed to slip into a fairly normal conversation, catching each other up on things that happened while they weren't by each other. Of course, they tried to avoid the topic of Lucifer because of the awkwardness that would follow. A couple of hours of this passed before the angel himself poked his head into the clearing to check in on Y/N and Adam.

"Um... sorry to interrupt but it's getting late." He gestured to the sky, which was indeed darkening now. Y/N looked first to Lucifer, then to the sky with a muttered "oh." Adam simply sighed, patting the fox that had been laying with the two once more before carefully standing.

"Well then, time to go, huh?" He spoke in a lowered voice, as though he were speaking to himself, glancing briefly at Y/N and seemingly debating something before shaking his head to snap himself out of his thoughts. "You, uh... you coming back or are you staying here...?"

Y/N shifted their attention from the sky to Adam, hesitantly looking between him and the angel. After being given a reassuring nod from Lucifer, Y/N smiled and nodded as they looked back to Adam. "If you're okay with it, then I wouldn't mind."

A distant smile formed on Adam's face, a look of what seemed to be genuine relief and gratefulness crossing over him as he offered a slight nod in response, gesturing subtly for Y/N to follow. Before they walked on, however, Adam shot a glance at Lucifer that was difficult to read at first but could soon be deciphered to be a look of thanks. Like a thanks for making him do this. He hadn't realized just how much he missed talking to Y/N, since they had stopped being around.

Y/N carefully stood, trying not to disturb the fox that was lying beside her (though it was a failed attempt, as it stirred and stood up as well) and moved to follow Adam back to the original clearing where they usually slept.

Lucifer watched them off with a small smile, and though he was happy that Y/N and Adam weren't pissed off at each other he felt... a sort of jealousy almost. He shook it off, turning to go off his separate way before disappearing in a golden cloud of smoke.

Word count: 406 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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