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That night, Y/N lay awake with a lump in their throat and a knot in their stomach. They were anxious about the interaction with Adam that was to take place soon, and worried thoughts and scenarios rushed through their mind like a hurricane.

They shifted their gaze to the man that lay beside them. Adam was fast asleep, as he usually was by the time Y/N got back. They sighed. He wouldn't take it well, would he?

As Y/N looked to the sky again, they wondered how it might be phrased. Do we say it bluntly? Do we say it sugar coated? Do we ease into it or let him figure it out? Would he even be able to figure it out if he had to? I mean, he hasn't been openly suspicious.

These thoughts continued to run through Y/N's mind as they lay in the grass quietly, the breeze gently flowing past. The stars twinkled in the sky with the moon amongst them.

Before they realized it, the sky was getting brighter. Slowly, yet it felt so quick. It was almost time.

The human soon heard the grass rustling quietly, saw it moving and making way for the now familiar white snake. Y/N sat up, watching as the snake disappeared into a soft, almost mist-like poof, in its place was Lucifer.

"You ready...?" His voice was quiet, and he glanced over at the still sleeping Adam cautiously. Then he looked back to Y/N. "You look nervous. And tired."

Y/N nodded, admittedly feeling both at once. Though they couldn't answer for the first question. Would they ever be ready? This discussion had to happen at one point or another, yet no matter how many times they ran through possible ways to say what they had to say, they would never be prepared.

Lucifer seemed to understand this, and just gave a nod of understanding. Soon, the two glanced over at Adam to see him stirring. Y/N's heart nearly stopped beating for a second.

"Welp. It's now or never, N/N." Lucifer's voice snapped Y/N out of their worried thoughts, and he had gently slipped his hand into theirs. When Y/N looked up to meet his gaze, they saw the same warm eyes they had when the two first met. It brought a sort of comfort, almost like no matter what happened, the angel would still be there. Cheesy as it was, it was true. Y/N smiled.

Adam yawned, stretching a bit as he did so, then sat up. His eyes still blurry from sleep, he squinted with a confused expression on his face. "Huh...? What's going on?"

As Adam rubbed his eyes free of sleep, Y/N and Lucifer exchanged glances, both admittedly nervous. Then Y/N took a deep breath, turning to face Adam.

"Adam... we need to talk."

Word count: 494 words

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