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It was impossible to sleep.

Not just because Adam couldn't learn to snore quieter, but because Y/N just couldn't stop thinking. Thoughts whirled around like a tornado in their mind about countless things. One thing loomed large though. What if Adam finds out about Lucifer? His reaction could be a number of things, but the most worrisome possibility was anger. Pure unbridled rage that could be taken out on either Y/N, Lucifer, or both. Well, maybe not so much Lucifer, he's a literal (and figurative) angel. Surely there would be consequences for laying hands on him. Even with Y/N, but words can do detrimental damage, sometimes more so than physical violence.

They'd have to tread carefully.

What if they just told Adam about it now? Would the reaction be less severe? Or his mind could twist it into something... well, rather inappropriate.

Y/N shook their head. No, don't think about that. That's gross. No, just tell him nicely about it and hope for the best.

But their thoughts were interrupted by something slithering onto their arm. Y/N almost yelped in fear before realizing it was just Lucifer's snake form. They sighed a breath of relief, and the snake pointed it's tail in the direction that the clearing could be found, a gesture for Y/N to there.

The Lucifer snake, as Y/N stood carefully, wrapped itself around their arm, positioning itself so that it could look out in front of the two. Y/N sighed quietly before walking off into the clutter of trees and shrubbery, the path to the clearing practically engraved in their mind.

Soon the faint glow of the pool could be seen, and the snake on Y/N's arm slithered down, finding it's way to the ground, then maneuvered into the clearing. Once in the middle of it, the snake's long, thin form transformed into that of the angel. Y/N, soon after, pushed their way through the last of the bushes and into the clearing, brushing the leaves that stuck in their hair out with a quiet chuckle.

Though it was obvious the stress on Lucifer's face, and Y/N's expression shifted to one of concern.

"Luci? Is everything okay..?"

The angel took a deep, steadying breath before speaking. "Um.. Y/N I have..." He hesitated, glancing around nervously for a moment before continuing. "I have something to tell you..."

Lucifer seemed so innocent, yet shyer than when he first started singing for Y/N. After seeing the human's curious look that asked for him to continue, he sighed.

"Look, this may seem really weird and- and I understand if you would hate me after but I... I just have to get this off of my chest..." The angel paused again, almost as though he were expecting an interruption from Y/N, only to be met with a patient look of curiosity. It was reassuring.

"I... um... I sort of- like you. It's a weird feeling, but any time I'm around you I just feel so... free? Does that- does that make sense?" Lucifer's face had taken on a faint golden tint, and he averted his gaze in embarrassment.

Y/N, the concept of love relatively new to them and the word itself unknown, was speechless. So many thoughts whirled in their mind yet none at the same time. An angel. From Heaven itself. It was unbelievable yet it was very believable all at once. They definitely understood how he felt, they felt it too.

Lucifer, growing more uneasy by the passing silent second, finally decided to break the silence.

"I... understand if you don't feel the same, I just felt like I needed to say it." His voice seemed to grow quieter as he spoke, like he was shying away from the conversation. Regretting having said it, maybe?

Y/N felt their body moving, as if it had it's own mind, and hug Lucifer. Both taken by surprise by this, Lucifer hugged back.

Word count: 688 words

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