Memories of Wakefulness

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as I lay there, memories swam down the stream of wakefulness, each one a fragment of my past, vivid and haunting

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as I lay there, memories swam down the stream of wakefulness, each one a fragment of my past, vivid and haunting. the screams of my vast and varied experiences echoed in the recesses of my mind, but one memory sank my heart deeper than the rest.

it was a moment etched in time, a snapshot of clarity amidst the chaos of my existence. i saw myself, not as the world perceived me, but as I truly was—a soul adrift in the tumult of life, grappling with the weight of my unspoken sorrows.

in that moment, a wave of uncharacteristic melancholy washed over me, casting a shadow upon my countenance. it was as if the mirror had unveiled the truth I had long denied, revealing the cracks beneath the facade I wore so diligently.

the memory lingered, haunting me with its raw authenticity. it was a reminder of the fragility of human existence, of the masks we wear to conceal our innermost fears and insecurities.

i struggled, swimming desperately to avoid drowning, but only a single bubble escaped my lips before I lost the ability to breathe. water molecules enveloped my being as I sank to the bottom of my hippocampus.

as time warps back the tapestry of my existence, I find myself standing at the overpass of my emotions, a precarious bridge between past and present. here, a series of interconnected threads of fate unravel before me, each one a testament to the twists and turns of my journey.

in that haunted place, misfortune loomed large, and I came face to face with the grim reaper of my inner child. its scythe cut deep into my innocence, leaving behind a bitter taste of rebellion and abhorrence that infected my heart.

i remember the moments of vulnerability, the innocent trust placed in those who promised safety and security. yet, like a cruel twist of fate, those promises were shattered, leaving behind the jagged shards of betrayal and disillusionment.

i'm a child adrift in a sea of uncertainty, grasping desperately for a lifeline that never came. exploited and abandoned, i became a casualty of circumstance, a casualty of the cruelty that lurked beneath the surface of human nature.

and then, amidst the echoes of my turmoil, someone dared to ask a haunting question: "How many scars did you justify just because you loved the person holding the knife?"

it was a question that pierced through the layers of my defenses, laying bare the wounds I had long tried to conceal. and as I searched for the answer, I found myself confronted with the harsh truth-that sometimes, love comes at a cost too steep to bear, leaving behind scars that may never fully heal.


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