Her Undying Devotion

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from the movie: Jennifer's Body

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from the movie: Jennifer's Body


when she's curled up on your lap shaking with mismatch breaths, you wonder how someone who looked like she, carried mountains on her shoulders, could crumble so easily in your arms like the tornado in her mind finally hit her and knock her off her feet.

i climbed up on my knees, elbows digging into the shattered mirror fragments, which had crushed when i tried to smash my own horrible reflection.

"Aria? What exactly is going on?"

hearing his voice astounded me. my heart raced as if it wanted to break free from its confines. recognizing that he's worried, made my stomach flutter—wanting to vomit the butterflies i felt inside, but scared of ruining my stained white dress, so i end up swallowing them back, gulping a big lump in my throat.

with a grin on my face, i leapt to my feet cause he had finally arrived for me! my enthusiasm couldn't help but fire up my senses and make me jump out of glee.

i tiptoed dashing my way to my dresser, unconcerned with the broken mirror bits clinging to my feet. alas! mi paramour will surely be surprised... oh, right! what am i thinking? of course, he sure is 'cause it's a surprise! i chuckled upon the thought, pulling out the red
lipstick that would go well with my outfit.

and viola! i am pretty as his own nightmare, dressed like a daydream!

i pressed my cheeks against the deteriorated door and i can hear the footsteps coming even closer. as the doorknob finally creaked, i step backwards and put on my silly grin while waiting to see him.

"Surprise, mi paramour! Finally meetcha!" i greeted loud and clear.

"Aria?" i almost cried, upon seeing his astonishment! my belly aches, seeing how the warmth in his eyes turned into cold blooded gaze. looking at me like he never expect my stunning beauty! i even turn around and ask him if i'm pretty enough to him.

"So watcha think?"

"You're nothing but a dull, pale hue... "

"Wha—t? haha, you really are fond of teasing me aren'tcha? Look at my red crimson dress, isn't it
lovely? "

"Aria—it's blood. You're covered in blood."

i was astonished, like if the words coming from his mouth had defeated me, and i lost my interest. i expected my body to collapse on the floor, but instead, i felt suspended...in mid-air. it was when Rohan pulled me up and cradled me in his arms.

i bore my face to his neck as i clung my arms to his nape. tears started to gush out from my eyes and i can't help but sob. i wanted revenge. i want to make him suffer from my madness but its too shallow, too shallow to turn my unconditional love into hate.

"Aria...I'm sorry."

"No, I'm the one who owe you an apology. 'Cause I couldn't get you a peaceful night after I died from your hands."

|one-shot story|

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