Comma is Guilty

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In the soft whispers of the night, a clandestine figure emerges from the shadows, their voice trembling with emotion

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In the soft whispers of the night, a clandestine figure emerges from the shadows, their voice trembling with emotion. "A punctuation mark, once innocent, now tainted with the weight of my love and longing. With a single comma, misplaced in the poetry of our lives, destinies are altered, hearts broken, and love lost."

In the delicate pages of our shared story, a misplaced punctuation mark becomes a dagger, piercing the tender fabric of our romance. It's not a weapon of destruction, but of heartache and betrayal. Oh, how cruel fate can be, to entrust such power to a mere symbol.

In our love letters, a single comma out of place alters the meaning of our promises, leading us down divergent paths, tearing us apart with each misstep. Who would suspect that such a tiny mark could hold the key to unraveling our once-unbreakable bond?

And yet, here I stand, a lover turned criminal, wielding a punctuation mark as my unwitting accomplice. The world may see it as a crime, but to me, it's a tragic act of love, executed with the precision of a shattered heart.

And so, I pen my confession, knowing that with each stroke of the pen, I seal our fate. A simple comma, the silent witness to our romance turned tragedy.

|dramatic monologue|

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