Like Wind in a Dry Branch

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       like wind in a dry branch, whispers wane,a mournful tune, a silent refrain,on brittle silence, memories sway,echoes of time, now fade away

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like wind in a dry branch,
whispers wane,
a mournful tune, a silent refrain,
on brittle silence, memories sway,
echoes of time, now fade away.

once vibrant, now withered and sere,
life's passage, cruel, drawing near,
each rustle tells a tale untold,
of stories lost, of dreams grown cold.

with every gust, a sigh of the past,
a fleeting moment, too fleeting to last,
branches reach out, seeking
solace in air, but find only emptiness,
desolation's affair.

gone is the vigor, the vibrant hue,
leaving behind a shadow, a rue,
in whispers soft, the wind consoles,
as dry branches bend, mourning souls.

so let us remember, in the
breath of the breeze,
the essence of life, its joys
and unease,
For like wind in a dry branch,
we too shall pass,
Leaving behind echoes, in
the shadows cast.



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