For my Derelict Self

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no one could ever understand the extent of the agony that etched its way into your being, transforming you into this personification of peace

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no one could ever understand the extent of the agony that etched its way into your being, transforming you into this personification of peace.

the pain was beyond just a prick, a temporary ache. it was a persistent, tormenting creature that dug its way into the very heart of your existence, leaving deep, eternal wounds on your soul.

the pain was a screaming winds, a cyclone of agony that threatened to engulf you whole. it was a fire that shrieked and burned, a flood that drowned, and a thunderstorm that ripped and tore through you. it was an ever-present shadow, a constant companion whispering tales of despair and misery into the hollow chambers of your heart.

and yet, in the middle of this agony, you discovered strength. the anguish, while overpowering, acted as a furnace for improvements and detoxification. during this suffering, you found an inner toughness, a drive to endure, persist, and evolve. the anguish represented the chisel that sculpted you, the fire that forged you, and the storm that created you.

now, you embraced the pain,  allowed the anger to fuel you. you became the eye of the storm, a place of peace amidst the chaos. your placid attitude betrays the storm you've endured and the battles you've waged. but you proudly wear your scars, each one representing a war won, a storm lived with, and a suffering conquered.

the calm you exude is not devoid of pain, but rather, it is the beautiful, poignant product of it. yes, no one could ever understand the pain and anger it took for you to become this calm. but that's okay. you're not calm for them to understand. You are calm for yourself, a monument to your tenacity, and an evidence of your strength.

you embody the storm and the peace, the anguish and ease. you are a light of hope for others who remain confronted with their own storms.

|prose poetry|

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