Fragments of the Whole

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from the movie: Like Someone In Love

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from the movie: Like Someone In Love


....... strange, isn't it?

you know yourself better than anyone else, every hidden scar and secret dream, yet you crumble at the words of someone who hasn't even lived a second of your life. It's as if their fleeting opinions hold more weight than the years you've spent understanding your own heart.

the world is filled with people who think they know you, who see only the surface and make quick judgments. their words can cut deep, echoing in your mind long after they've been spoken, making you question your worth and your path.

In a world so loud with other voices, it's easy to forget the power of your own. the whispers of self-doubt creep in, fueled by the careless remarks of strangers and the harsh criticisms of those who barely know your name.

they think they see you, but they only catch glimpses, fragments of the whole. they don't see the battles you've fought, the nights you've spent wrestling with your thoughts, the victories that seem small to others but monumental to you.

you must remind yourself to listen to no one else's voice but yours. your inner voice, the one that has guided you through every storm, is the true compass. It knows your strength, your resilience, the dreams that light up your soul. It knows the times you've fallen and gotten back up, the moments of joy that no one else witnessed.

turn down the volume of the outside world and tune into your own truth. It's not always easy to drown out the noise, but it's necessary. trust in your journey, in the knowledge that you've navigated every twist and turn with grace and courage.
the world will always be filled with people who think they know you, but only you hold the full story. listen to your own voice, for it is the soundtrack of your life, the only one that truly matters.


|Prose Poetry|

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