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Everyday was the same.

Butters woke up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, showered, got dressed for school, and left for school.

He would go to school, get an education, go to work, go home, and video chat with his awesome girlfriend, Charlotte until it was time for bed.

This day in particular, was different. If felt off, and things were just different. When he saw teachers and staff that were never really nice to him since school started, they would wish him goodbye.

That was weird because he wasn't going anywhere.

Maybe he was just taking things out of context.

It was a Friday, and at 5:37pm exactly, Butters would have just gotten home from work at his towns local ice cream shop.

There, his parents had would waiting for him.

This gave Butters a shock of worry, what had he done this time?

"Son, you might want to sit down." His father would say.

His mother's face was red and her eyes were puffy, she looked as if she had just been crying.

He took a seat on the living room couch, genuinely confused, what was happening?

His father would begin to explain, " Son, this might be hard to hear, but son me and your mother.... are getting divorced."

Butters just stared, it was like his brain had shut off. Butters staring mostly worried his parents, who had always believed he was a pretty emotional boy.

"We want you to know, this isn't your fault, at all," His father would continue, "Me and your mother just aren't happy."

Butters nodded slowly, he was beginning to actually comprehend the situation.

His father would continue to talk, but Butters wasn't listening. He could only focus on his thoughts.

He was sent to his room, and he went in there and started thinking. Not anything else, just thinking. His mother gave a gentle knock on his door.

"Come in!" He would call out.

His mother would open the door and slide inside.

"Hi, honey." His mother said in a gentle voice.

"Oh, hi mom..." Butters said matching her tone.

She quietly shut the door behind herself, "I wanted to check on you."


"Are you okay? I mean, with all the news and stuff."

"Yeah, I think so.. I'm kind of confused."

"Yeah? Like how?"

"Like after dad said you and him were getting divorced, it was like my mind went blank."

"Uh huh."

"I was too busy thinking about everything else, I kinda stopped listening."

"Baby, I want you to know that this isn't your fault, and your father and I mutually decided to send you to boarding school."

Wait, boarding school? He completely missed that. That was real news.

As his mom continued talking, and talking. He wasn't definitely wasn't listening. Soon, his mom left, leaving him with his thoughts.

Was this okay? Was this truly okay with Butters?

On one hand, he would get to leave all of his parents fighting and arguments. He wouldn't have to deal with his dad's excessive cheating and his mom slowly going insane. He would actually get a break for once.

On the other hand, he would be leaving his friends, his awesome job, and his childhood home.

Would it be worth it?

Would this be a fresh start for Butters?

Is This Forever? ☆Bunny☆ (Butters X Kenny)Where stories live. Discover now