snooping - Lucifer

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warnings: no warnings
characters: Lucifer x Animal! reader (just ears and tail)
extra: fluff? angst? both? 
word count: 2176
date posted: 13/2/24 12 am

The massive door let out a creak as you pushed past it, jeez a whole mansion and the king can't even stop some squeaky doors? scanning the place you saw a lot. a lot. of rubber ducks, the king told you about his little hobby but this wasn't a hobby! it was a whole obsession! you heard a step behind you and your ears flattened and you snapped around with a defensive glare, only to see the one and only king of hell standing in front of you with a grin. 

"just me dear, no need to scratch my head off!" he laughed leaning on his apple-topped cane, his rosy cheeks squished up as he smiled. What's with the smile? why does he smile like that so much? before you could speak he adjusted his jacket standing up taller, not by much... "Well! I assume you won't need assistance cleaning up?" 

you nearly lunged at the guy when he said that, you and him played a lot of games last weekend. being hammered you made a bet with him and clearly, you lost since you found yourself at his damn house. having to clean it up. this little dickhead so obviously cheated! the stupid grin and smug tone just made you roll your eyes with a scoff, he let out a hearty chuckle at this patting your head twice before quickly leaving. lucky because you would have clawed his eyes out for touching you! you sighed slumping your shoulders and got to work, this was not how you wanted to spend your weekend. you could be doing much better things! like getting drunk! it wasn't a common thing you did, maybe. you were always stressed so a few drinks on the weekend helped.

as you roamed the house there were just piles and piles of ducks, honestly, they were cute but you wouldn't admit to that. you were told to just avoid the ducks but honestly, how the fuck did he expect you to do that!? you cleaned sure, but you were mostly looking around, you mean come onnn when does the chance for a normal sinner like yourself get to be inside the great king's house? there were a few big paintings of his family, Lilith, young Charlie and him. you always felt a little bad for the king, in the aspect of being dumped and left behind. As much as you disliked the short ass you could relate with him in some sense. being left suddenly made you feel like shit, it happened to you alive and dead. you kept roaming the house, letting your mind wander about each portrait or interesting artifact you saw. 

you had been cleaning- well no... snooping for around an hour now, this place was huge! there were a lot of different things that caught your attention and then you would spend like five minutes looking at it closely. never touched it though, sure you didn't like the little shit stack but you had manners for people's homes... not for snooping apparently. you were just too curious for your own good! you entered another room, this one caught your interest because on the front of the door was a good plague with the king's name, it looked fancy. so much be his office. you had to check it out.

it was... clean. like really clean. a few special-looking rubber ducks were set up but there was no clutter at all! this was certainly a surprise, maybe he cleaned up so you didn't go in here? well to bad because you gave up on cleaning ten minutes into 'cleaning'. you walked up to a rubber duck that was styled to look like him, your tail flicked behind you in amusement. now that was kind of cute. there was even one of Charlie, her when she was a little girl and one now. this warmed your heart, it seemed he was a big family man. so why didn't he talk to Charlie for so long? You frowned at the thought before looking at some of the other ducks, you saw a Lillith one but it was tucked away in the corner. guess you can't really get rid of things like that right? you knew you wouldn't be able to if you put time and effort into things like that.

there were a few white draws and of course, you had to peek inside them, it was just filled with documents upon documents. until you got to one drawer, it was the bottom one in the far corner of the room behind his desk. you grinned to yourself as you saw a stack of photos, well photos of paintings. they were obviously from forever ago. you crouched down your tail nearly wagging with excitement, maybe there were some photos you could use to blackmail him! As you flicked through them you realised these were when he was an angel- he looked a lot younger, with messy hair and a happy smile on his face. so he's always been cute? your smile dropped as soon as you realised you were smiling at the photos. you did not think of the king like that. you thought he was a cocky short stuck-up bastard- who looked so fucking hot! dammit. 

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