rain - Lucifer

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warnings: no warnings
characters: Lucifer x fallen angel! reader
extra: okay I know y'all must be sick of the Fallen Angel readers but you don't understand how much I love Fallen Angels LMAO always this is another one-shot where it is really my OC but changed into x reader because I love y'all duh.
word count: 3897
date posted: 29/02/24 12:20am

the acid rain lightly tingled your skin, it was never painful for you. other sinners would yell and run for cover but you were never bothered by it. right now it was the least of your concerns as you had your back turned from Lucifer looking into the distance with a brooding glare, you were rightly pissed off at Lucifer right now and before you started to spit shit you know would hurt him you decided to turn around from him needing to just- stop looking at his stupid face! your clothes were getting wet but you didn't care, well maybe you did. sticking to your skin uncomfortably but you refused to move. too stubborn to admit defeat. he had tried to explain why Charlie's idea might not work out but you waved his worries off and it quickly got heated when you both realised neither party were going to see over the other's views. 

you didn't trust his judgement and it annoyed him to no end, he was trying to make you see his point of view but you were just stuck to your own and refused to listen! not like he was listening to you but that's besides the point, you didn't trust him. you did but he didn't feel like it right now, normally you always trusted his word and he never took it for granted. he didn't understand why you had faith in his daughter's ideas so much, he tried his best but he had his own doubts about it. he was the first in hell, the king of it and he's seen firsthand how shit it is from his own mistake of giving humanity free will. that's why he's stuck down here. you didn't see nor understand his guilt for this, he made peace with it a long time ago but with Charlie's idea the guilt was coming back and he was just a muddle of emotions. he didn't expect a fight with you nor the pelting rain that would follow, fits the mood really. 

you blinked a few times as the rain suddenly stopped and a shadow cast over you, eyes snapping up to look at the sky to see what the hell happened but were only brought to a sight of fluffy red feathers above you, catching the rain. you felt the drops of rain on your face fall off as you looked down again only to turn slightly to see Lucifer standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, you couldn't see his face but by his stance alone he was still angry with you. your heart softened at the gesture, he was getting more and more wet by the moment but here he was angry with you yet still wanted you to be safe under his wing. you chewed at your inner cheek, you didn't want to give him the cold shoulder anymore but you didn't feel the need to apologise for yourself. you scuffled around on your feet quietly, facing Lucifer back as he looked down and you sighed heavily catching his attention.

"Luci," you muttered and you watched the tension in his body relax slightly, he liked it more than he would admit when you whispered his name like that. it sounded so sweet from your lips no one else called him that. only you. well, maybe you were more special than others anyway. he watched you sit down on the curb next to his feet the rain hitting your face as you squinted to keep it out of your eyes. he frowned deeply quickly sitting down next to you so he could cover his wing over you again, you had your own sure but it wasn't like it was easy to twist and turn the wings over your own head. he didn't look at you still, only wanting you from the corner of his eye as he looked at the acid rain hitting the ground with a small sizzle. he bit the bottom of his lip one of his secondary wings wrapping around you pulling you closer, his reasoning was to keep you warm. yeah, that's it. your clothes were wet and surely the breeze was making you cold, he noticed the slight shake in your body after stealing a glance.

you were holding back a smile as he pulled you closer, you knew he had a huge soft spot for you. with small gestures and words or his facial expressions when you were near. you had helped him through a rough time of his life when his wife disappeared without a word. You knew you could never replace the bond they had nor were you trying to. he helped you. From the moment you fell into this shitty place it had simply been your time to return the favour. no words had been spoken between you both since sitting down, you were mulling over the situation and holding back a shiver from the rain. your attire wasn't super covering like his was so you were vulnerable to the elements, he clearly noticed since he had pulled you so close his wing staying wrapped around you softly. after a thoughtful moment, you leaned your head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around you instantly resting on your hip, his sharp fingers gently rubbing your skin. 

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