worth it - husk

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warnings: arguing
characters: Husker x short! reader (it is legit never mentioned but you have to be at least to his chest)
extra: fluff, angst? (not really) The protective husky moment
word count: 2662
date posted: 26/2/24 11:30pm

you slowly sneaked into the hotel, thinking you were being sneaky. it was late as shit, nearly time the sun rose. you closed the door quietly, hunched over as you heard a click making you stand up with a sigh, a proud smile on your face. Charlie hated it when you stayed out for so long, you didn't mean to but you were having a few drinks and ended up getting into a few.. scuffles... you won them, clearly but it wasn't like you weren't unharmed. you were hurt... badly? you wouldn't say it's bad but maybe to others having cuts and bruises on your face and body isn't ideal. 

"where the fuck were you huh?" you heard a deep voice call out and you jumped from the suddenness of it, turning around with a defeated sigh and looking at the eyes slightly glowing from the bar. it was. creepy say the least, you didn't like how his eyes glowed like that. when you first found out they could glow you were in the kitchen getting a drink of water and he just quietly stood there. he was lucky you didn't swing at him for it. 

"uh.. out?" you mustered up weakly and his eyes narrowed deeply, he was a little on the protective side of you. for reasons you didn't know, you just assumed he liked to pick a fight with you since he seemed to have a huge stick up his ass when he spoke to you. you wondered how long he had been waiting for you, in the dark no less. could he see fine? like a cat? you were brought out of your thoughts when you heard a glass being aggressively put down on the countertop.

"yeah? out? coming back all fucked up nearing the morning?" he huffed his tone annoyed and you couldn't help but feel a little defensive with his tone. What's his issue? sure you did get a little hurt but it wasn't anything fatal and it wasn't like you had a responsibility to come home safe to him. you just lived here and helped around.

"yeah. exactly that. I see no issues, not like I'm dead" you huffed rolling your eyes at him and you could feel his glare grow worse as you tried to walk right past the bar but he quickly stood in front of you making your head slam into his chest making you stagger back. you didn't expect him to be a fucking brick wall. he didn't even budge when you stepped into him. you glared at him keeping eye contact as the tension between the both of you grew.

"you may not be dead but you may as well be. look at the state of you!" he hissed and you scoffed at him, mocking his stance as you crossed your arms over your chest as well. raising a brow at his ridiculousness, it wasn't that bad. he was just being dramatic like always, you were not even hurting from the cuts. just sore from using your muscles so much tonight. you both were nearly chest to chest, you had to look up at him but you didn't move your head so you could glare at him. he deserved it.

"Like I can fucking see in the dark stupid, I can't even feel shit so you're just being dramatic. loosen up a bit jeez weren't you like an overlord or some shit?" you muttered looking away from him as you were going to step around him to leave for your room but his wing spread out stopping you and as you tried the other side his other wing blocked you making you angrier than before. you were just going to let this go but he wanted to be stubborn. "can you fucking move?"

"no." no?! what does he mean no?! you growled under your breath trying to push past his wings but he easily flicked you back in front of him, your breathing grew heavier as he was really pissing you off now. you glared at him but his golden eyes looked down at you unwavering, you tried again and again and for the final time, you landed on your ass making you growl at him. 

"fucking let me go you asshole! I'm sick of you trying to be my overprotective carer or some shit! I'm not a fucking baby and I don't need you. or anyone in this hotel to try and look after me." you spat scrambling up and holding back a groan, it hurt more than you wanted to admit when you landed on the ground. you could see Husk grow more tense with your words and you wonder what you said that struck his nerves. yet he still didn't move and you just stood there sorta defeated, you didn't want to get hurt more trying to get past him but you didn't want to stay here and feel his glare on you. "fine. I'm leaving, I'm sick of you right now husk. maybe I will die out there but at least I'm not being put on a leash by you" you muttered turning around and you couldn't even get a single fucking step away before he grabbed your arm. rather tightly.

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