listen - Adam

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warnings: no warnings
characters: Adam x Fem! reader
extra: adam my bbg (hes better in my mind then he is canon...) 
word count:  3497
date posted: 9/3/2024

Adam grumbled under his breath as he looked around for you, this stupid habit you had fucking pissed him off to no end. he knew he wasn't the best person to open up to, nor that he wanted to hear your problems all the damn time but every time you felt down or upset you disappeared which seemed like the face of heaven. without a single word! Deep down past all his ego and arrogance he felt a little worried about you, what if something happened? he was the first man he set up an unspoken rule upon you both he would protect you. not like he fucking wanted to! just having you around for forever was something he got used to and when you took it upon yourself to just disappear without even telling him pissed him off. you should at least tell him so he's not calling out and looking for you like a lost dog every fucking time.

"fucking hell [name]! I know this place inside out and you still hide from me, fucking impressive honesty," he grumbled as he walked around, talking to no one but himself. his golden wings tucked under his arms as he searched your apartment, he already tried his place and didn't find you. he knew every spot in heaven like the back of his hand but he couldn't find the one person he was looking for. it made him feel stupid since he had a feeling it was probably going to be the most obvious spot in the world! and it was. it only clicked when he thought about that one time he saw you ask he flew past, it was some old building that had just enough room at the top for a few people. he slapped his hand onto his masked face with an aggressively loud groan, of course, you were there. he just flew past you too quickly all that time ago to fully register that spot. he stomped over to your window slammed it open and quickly flew out, he wasn't going to fucking close the window after you made him go on a constant goose chase. It's not like anyone's going to try to get in anyway. its heaven.

his lead mask glitched with annoyance when he saw you sitting exactly where he thought you would be. his golden wings were huge so he had no trouble flying over to you in a few flaps, he could fly for hours. it was something he openly enjoyed, one of the more calmer hobbies he had. when you noticed him you spared him a single glance before going back to your sulking state. he landed next to you making sure he didn't smack you off with his wings, as funny as that would be your wings are far smaller compared to his so he would have to save you. extra work for nothing.

"hey bitch! is this where you were fucking hiding every damn time you wanna run away from me?!" he barked as he spoke, you didn't reply only giving him a long sigh. which was probably the wrong move as this fueled the flames to try and piss you off more, you were growing more and more irritated with Adam. this was the exact reason you hid away here when you felt down, he doesn't stop bugging you! it was okay with you every other time he did but you just needed a break from everything. him included. you almost let out a growl when he began poking your side, you glared at him. normally his led mask would have a sharp grin on it but it was angry, at you. "bitch are you fucking ignoring me still!? if you are mad at me just say something babe, I know not everyone can handle this dick. its alrig-"

"Can you fucking shut up for one second!?" you snapped, making him sit there in stunned shock. you had tears in your eyes from being so overwhelmed by his constant pestering, he normally would have snapped back immediately but you were in a little more distress than he thought originally. "Jesus fuck, I get it your awesome, the first man, the big dick of Heaven, too cool to listen to anyone else ever but maybe I came up here so I can have some fucking space without you yapping my ear off!" you were taking out your frustration on him and when you were done you immediately felt guilty. as stupid and dumb as he was he did ask if you were okay, in his own infuriating way. you've never spoken to him like that either, with his shocked face you didn't know if it was in shock or he was about to smite you for yelling at him like that. "im- Adam- I didn't mean it-"

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