melody - Lucifer

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warnings: no warnings
characters: Lucifer x reader
extra: fluff, i stand by him liking classical music!!
word count: 2331
date posted: 14/02/24 9 pm

you were pretty much alone at the hotel today, which was a surprise, to say the least. angel had dragged Husk out for the day and Charlie went with Vaggie for some cute date thing? you weren't really listening when Charlie very eagerly told you. As much as you loved the girl she spoke as fast as nifty sometimes. Alastor was- you didn't actually know, not like he would ever let you know. a man with too many secrets for your liking. maybe some of them came back but you didn't care, you were just trying to relax. in hell. the thought never really left your mind had it, you died and were now in literal hell. not to mention Charlie was the princess of hell? she never liked that title anyway, it doesn't suit her. though when you met the king of hell himself you could see where she got a LOT of her traits from. his first meeting with you was more than awkward... after a terrible greeting with Vaggie, he ended up being so stumbled and flustered over his words he completely said your name wrong! Not only that it didn't seem to register so he called you the wrong name for at least four days before Charlie had to break the news to him. you were offended at first since you took pride in your name but honestly, it was just so amusing, the king of hell when he was nervous was an absolute mess! It is a stark contrast to his normal self, a charming gentleman. he brought you a drink and apologised for the name mess up, who would say no to a free drink and apology!? In hell!?

there wasn't much to do. nifty always made sure the place was clean so you couldn't clean the place, nor did a sinner come to the hotel wanting to be redeemed. it was a little off but who cared! you decided to put on some music as you searched for something to do, it was just a big mashed-up playlist of everyone's music tastes. you certainly knew whose songs belonged to who... Angels especially. you have had to skip quite a few songs as it was just purely about sex. you liked sex of course but it would never reach the extent of that man. ever. now you never thought of yourself as a singer, but with no one around you let your voice free. music was something that was always with you, in life and death and especially in hell. it was an escape from everything. putting on your favourite playlist and humming to yourself as you simply lay in bed and rotted? you had heard of nothing more perfect! As much as you loved doing that, you had been falling asleep too often with it and it had been messing up your sleep rather badly. taking naps at any given hour of the day might not be a good thing for your body. Sadly you still did have to take care of yourself in hell much as you didn't want to. Living a shitty life on earth and then dying only to end up in hell made you rethink a lot. You were trying to focus on the task you set yourself but the music was just getting too good, singing where you sat as you rocked your body to the music. You never were the person to stand up and start dancing to music, unlike Charlie you sat in your seat and enjoyed it.

You liked most music, whether it be rap or pop, metal or even jazz but your heart always had a special spot for classical music. You didn't understand why people didn't like it, the music was finding its way into your very soul when it played. How could people dislike it? Even with the songs with no words you always felt so many emotions while they played, a fast tempo or slow classical music was one for your very soul. You were lost in your thoughts, singing along to whatever song was playing. Even if you didn't know the lyrics you would just mutter the words out awkwardly until you did again, everyone does it.

"y/n my dear! What a lovely voice you have!" a smooth voice filled the room and your mouth snapped shut as you snapped your neck to see who it was, the king of hell himself of course. A toothy grin on his face as he clearly saw your embarrassment of being caught singing without a care in hell. You let out a long sigh and he let out a hearty chuckle dusting off his white and red coat before sitting on the couch across from you, a leg crossed over the other as he held his apple-topped cane.

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