preening - Alastor

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warnings: no warnings
characters: Alastor & fallen! Angel reader
extra: fluff? Alastor is a hard character to write so do what you will
word count: 2318
date posted: 18/02/24  4pm

"stella my dear! why have you not joined us for Charlie's... activities!" Alastor's voice was slightly muffled behind your door, cheery as always and you could just see the smile on his face. you had missed out on Charlie's 'bonding exercises' because you had a... small... problem... with a small sigh you pushed yourself off the bed. Your wings were irritated and itchy, a price you had to pay for keeping these things from the fall of hell. sure they were cool and all but you begged for your life to keep them as they threatened to cut them off. the thought sent a shudder down your spine as you walked to the door, opening it with a rather grumpy face. Alastor's on the other hand had a big grin, growing ever more as your clear discomfort.

"I'm... having some personal. I'm fine. thanks for checking on me-" You were quick to try and dismiss him, wanting to go back onto your bed and sulk about the irritation with your now red wings. you tried to shut the door but Alastor's hand slammed onto it making you jump, his eyes narrowed at you and you felt an unwelcomed shiver run down your spine. he always just looked... so unnerving! he was an overlord you knew, a very powerful one. you didn't know why he wasted his time here but you wouldn't dare to ask.

"my dear! Charlie is quite worried about you, seeing you without your normal smile gives me a scare." despite his aggressive actions and demeanour his voice with strained with kindness, clearly faking it. he always thought people looked better with a smile, you normally did smile since you were a pretty happy soul. seeing how you were in heaven before being kicked out, which you still seethed about. it was all Adams's fault. you tried to keep the door as closed as you could, just peeking your face out but since this demon was seven foot he had a clear view of your room. definitely noticed the fluff and feathers everywhere. his eyebrow raised as he picked a red tuff of fluff off the top of your head, flicking it to the side as your cheeks grew pink with embarrassment.

"dammit, do you know what preening is?" you asked with a heavy sigh, accepting your fate of having to converse with the overlord. he didn't reply which you took as a big fat no, you wouldn't think he would know anyway. no one in hell has fluffy wings like yours, one of a kind. well, heavens kind at least. you didn't know if Husk's wings preened and never got around to asking. with an awkward shuffle looking down at your feet, you cracked the door open just a smidge more, so he could see your wings now instead of just your face. they were messy, unkept and had feathered and fluff sticking out everywhere. you were rather embarrassed being seen like this, that's why you normally hid away when it happened but now since you were with people who seemed to actually care about you. you can't just disappear for a week without any warning.

"This is so fucking embarrassing... well since you're already here come in." you huffed leaving the door and watching Alastor step in behind you, he never went into someone's room without direct permission. That sort of surprised you but he did take pride in being a gentleman so that explained it. he didn't say much, just assessing your room with a few glances, it was more than a mess. it looked like you had spent the last day and a half making a whole nest. he found this all very intriguing, never seeing angel wings like theirs made him want to know everything there was. he was always curious about the unknown, wanting to have power over it and gain control but this fallen angel was smarter than they showed off. he tried to make deals with them all the time but he was either flat-out rejected or Charlie stopped him. he wanted to know why they fell, why their wings hadn't been clipped or simply the fact they were here and wanted to go back to heaven.

"dear me, quite the nest you have going on in here!" he laughed his hands resting on the cane he carried, the angel's wings were quite the sight. he only got a glimpse of them before but now they were lying on the bed, grumbling at him for his rather humorous joke, he could get a good look at them. they seemed larger than normal, messy and had a twitch every now and again. it all made him so curious, hungry to know more about this creature so different to anyone he had seen. "dear you said this was... preening was it? I'm sure you could give me a lovely explanation for such a comical word!"

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