static - Vox

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warnings: no warnings
characters: Vox x short! reader
extra: req on whattpad. vox is hard to write... i don't like him as much as others HAHA
word count: 1990
date posted: 17/03/24 10:40pm

you didn't plan to stay out for this long, you got way to caught up hanging out with the few people you could call friends. it was hard to make friends down here in hell but once you found the right crowd they stuck. most of the time. it was hard to not get caught up in your friend's antics, you loved to indulge in a little chaotic fun every now and again. you made it to hell after a long life, surviving this shit storm enough to find friends and even a boyfriend. speaking of him you told him you would only be out for an hour or two but that turned into five hours. not to mention he hasn't sent you a single text once you realised the time. on one hand you were sad by the fact and the other was pure nerves. was he mad at you he wasn't going to text? he didn't have the longest temper and he's been close to snapping at you a few times, but he realises before he does witch your grateful about. you had no trouble dropping him if he stepped into any lines of abusive and surprisingly, he agreed, ever since he met you his communication skills have improved a lot. 

you still couldn't help but worry, if he didn't text you for five hours after going out you probably would have run out searching for him by hour three. this is why you also felt a little sad by the fact, why hadn't he? you bid your friends a quick goodbye once telling them you were meant to be home a few hours ago, they all knew who you boyfriend was so was quick to get you out of there before they became responsible for your faults. you tried to call Vox a few times, but straight to voicemail. it then led you to try and call Val witch also didn't work and now you were nearly in a panic. what the hell happened? did they kick you out for this? would you have to come back to all your shit laying outside the V tower. no. surely not. your walking sped up a little at that thought, you were certainly in a hurry to get home if you weren't before. as you walked into the lobby the receptionist didn't even ask for your name knowing who you were already, the last one caused you quite some troubles when you tried to get in, but they were quickly replaced once you complained to Vox about it. 

"V-vox?" you cursed at yourself for the stutter in your nervous voice as you walked into his head office, you had checked the bedroom a moment before, and he was nowhere to be found. you walked up to his chair once realizing he wasn't in here either which confused you more, he didn't say he was going out? where was he? you should have asked that damn receptionist if he had left but you were not going all the way back down there. you figured you could just check Val's side of the place, as much as you didn't like going there you had a feeling you would find Vox there. if you didn't, he would be with Velvette and Val talking about some random shit about their company, and you would just wait around for him. you had interrupted before and Velvette was quite unhappy with you, but with a simple outing for some new clothes kept you on her good side. you were so lucky she was easy to please. 

before you could even get to the main area Val hung out in you heard him yelling and throwing things, some smashed on impact while the other things slammed into other objects. it sounded so hectic. you knew Val had temper tantrums about things, but it never seemed to be this bad. you turned on your heel to leave because you were not about to deal with his shit, but you heard an incredibly stressed-out Vox call out to Val. you could hear the frustration in his voice, and it made you wonder how long this had been going on. with a long sigh you knocked on the door hearing the room so quiet for a moment, then the sound of feet shuffling. you prayed it was your boyfriend who opened the door and not and angry Val who would probably cut your head off for interrupting his tantrum. you watched the door swing open and there Vox was, looking pissed off but once he realised it was you, he buffered for a moment. quickly stepping out the room closing the door behind him. 

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