sickingly stubborn - Adam

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warnings: no warnings
characters: Adam x fem! reader 
extra: based off true events, when I was sick I was sick for like three weeks and my dad came home to my ass dying HAHA. took care of me real good, I'm all better though, this was early last year.
word count: 3436
date posted: 03/04/24 1 am

it's not like you were new to heaven, no way. you had been here forever, and it was wonderful. sure, there were things you used to enjoy that have been very restricted, but it is heaven, and it was promoted to be a safe place. and it was! what you weren't expecting is the ability to get sick, you have never seen anyone sick, nor been sick yourself. until today. you woke up with a sore throat, your body numb, a killer headache and you just looked sick. you always wondered why there were hospitals in heaven, and you just assumed it was for accidents with wings and clumsy people but with you being sick for the first time in God knows how long makes you realise their there for other reasons. not like you were going to a hospital. it's a small cold, you'll get over it. 

is what you hoped would happen. 

here you are four days later seemingly sicker than you were before, how did this even happen? perhaps it was you going to work like nothing was wrong but no, surely not, it was meant to just disappear. you didn't want to sit around and do nothing all day, how boring would that be!? your sickness got worse the longer you let it attack your immune system, but you were to stubborn to rest or go to the doctors. you were even too lazy to text your friends, just work and home, work and home. until when you were about to leave for work, there was one particular friend at your doorstep, rightfully pissed off. Adam.

"And why the fuck have you not been answering my text? think your too good for me- woah... you look fucking ugly right now dude, what the fuck have you been doing?" he was trying to yell and scold you at first but when you looked up at him, snot nearly running down your face he had to pause for a moment. you looked like death but just sniffled and sighed. a very tired and sick sigh that didn't go unnoticed by Adam, not like he could ignore it with your snotty nose dribbling everywhere. 

"Hey uhm... sorry, just been busy working, I don't.... even know where my phone is actually.." you turned back into your house with a confused look as you realised you didn't even have your bag on you, nor your keys or phone. you were about to go to work with none of your belongings. you brang the scrunched-up tissue to your nose and cleaned it off, it was running, but not as much as Adam saw it to be. 

"Holy shit babes, you've been working like this? I should hex them for letting you." Adam laughed at his joke, frowning when you didn't laugh as well. you didn't even snap back like you normally would when he called you ugly a moment before, even when you spoke it looked like you were using a hindered and twenty percent of your brain to form a single word. you gave up on trying to find your stuff and turned back to Adam, realising the Adam was at your door. it was a miracle you two even became friends, you were just some random fucking angel that he had met on a really difficult day. he bumped into you, got mad at you, and told you to say sorry but instead you tore him a new one about manners and ever since then you two have been... friends. if you would even call it that.

"Wait! what are you even doing here? your like... always working, aren't you?" you asked slowly, trying to sound and look normal but was failing horribly. Adam just scoffed at you finding all this amusing and annoying, amusing to see a normally independent and sarcastic girl all defenceless and annoying because now he felt like he needed to take care of you since you clearly had not been doing it yourself. you both texted a lot more then he would with his other 'friends', due to him loving to push your buttons and make you mad but when you disappeared for five days it really pissed him off since he didn't do anything wrong to get ignored. he was also a big baby who wanted attention. 

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