accidents - Sir Pentious

983 11 4

warnings: no warnings
characters: Sir Pentious x reader
extra: Sir Pentious is in my top three, with Lucifer and Alasotr I love this guy so fucking much he's so cute and silly!
word count: 2770
date posted: 25/02/24 12 pm

you had finally managed your way into Sir Pentious ship! not by force, like others may assume but he trusted you enough to roam around it. though he was very specific not to touch anything and for once you listened. mainly because you didn't want to upset the snake, he was so cute it hurt your heart when the others poked fun at him. you tried to defend him without trying to be so obvious about your interest in him but everyone saw right through you. luckily not Sir Pentious though. he was a little... clueless about anything and everything regarding romance or feelings. he had been brutally rejected by Cherri and you knew he's not recovered since. you were a little lost right now, actually very lost. this ship was a lot bigger than you thought and sir pentious left you alone without a proper tour of the place.

"oh! Jesus fuck!" you yelled out when you tripped on something, catching yourself before you face-planted. you turned around angrily only to see two of the egg boyz, their eyes giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes. god. Sir Pentious has made you soft! if these shits did this before you guys got close you would have cracked their heads open in a beat.

"we're sorry miss bosswoman!"

"yeah, we didn't mean non of it!"

you looked at them confused, bosswoman!? why in Lucifer's name were they calling you THAT? you never met these guys nor spoken to them. you crouched down narrowing your eyes at them both as they took a step back, they were so small you were just trying to get on their level not scare them! you let out a sigh running a hand over your face trying to seem friendly.

"Sorry, not tryna scare you little guys... just didn't expect that! uhm anyway, why did you call me bosswoman? I'm not your boss." you asked and the two eggs looked at each other like they were just as confused as you were, making you a little frustrated. they scratched their heads before playing out a scene in front of you.

"well, Mr. Bossman told us to be extra nice to you and to listen when you spoke!"

"he said not you bother you either- I guess we're breaking that rule. but you don't seem to mind!"

"yeah, Mr Bossman really trusted a pretty girl didn't he?"

you couldn't help but let out a laugh at the both of them, they were honestly cute as they spoke random shir to each other. Sir Pentious always ignored their babbles but you found it amusing. though it sent a wave of butterflies to your stomach as you thought about him trying to keep the egg boizs away from you. just so you wouldn't get mad at them, it was sweet. he was such a softie despite trying to be evil. you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a snake behind you barking at the eggs you were crouched in front of.

"egg boizsss! leave [name] alone thisss insstant! ssstop pesskering her already!" his tounge flicking across his teeth as he spoke, the two eggs quickly ran off and you stood up with a raised brow maki g him suddenly nervous. he didn't say something wrong did he? he was already nervous about letting you on his ship, wanting you to find his creations and decor nice. he couldn't bear to watch it though! he hid himself away slithering around as he thought of all the possible outcomes, it eventually got too much and he had to find you.

"poor egg boizs... they're so cute sir pentious. they called me miss bosswoman and pretty! then some random shit but I wasn't really listening." his eyes narrowed for a moment as his tongue flicked out a few times, seemingly annoyed before he perked up excitedly grasping his hands together with s clap.

"well, that isss because I, of course, train them to be on their best behaviour at all timesss! now. follow me! i have yet to ssshow you the best part of the ssship" he grinned out, grabbing your wrist tightly before dragging you around. he sometimes stopped when you asked about something you saw as you walked past, he was very brief and didn't actually explain much. it was kinda fair since there was so much of the ship to explore but you were kind of interested in some stuff.

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