together - angel dust

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warnings: fighting, mentions of drugs, addiction, taking drugs.
characters: angel dust & fem reader
extra: requested by on Wattpad! I adore angel dust so much, he would be the best girlfriend ever. also its angst then comfort because I cant do angst with no good endings HAHA
word count: 2413
date posted: 25/2/24 3pm

the club was sending your mind into overdrive, the flashing lights, musky smell and the sheer loudness of the music mixed with the chatter of it. you hated it. you despised it even but you always put up with it for your best friend Angel Dust, he used his fame to get you into these places, not like you wanted to go here anyways but he always said it would help you relax. or even find yourself some good dick but you never got either. you were pushing your way past people, getting insults spit towards you as you forced your way through the crowd. trying to find your eight-foot spider friend. you spot him flirting with some hunky guy causing you to roll your eyes and storm over to him pulling him away and making his flirty attitude disappear. 

"heya toots what's the big deal? couldn't you see I was tyna get some of that good stuff? you've gone and ruined my plans" he muttered angrily a pair of his arms crossed over his chest as the other two gestured to the now-disinterred man behind him. you groaned with a huff rolling your eyes, the air between you guys getting tense as he noticed you seemed genuinely agitated with him for once. 

"jeez can you go a single fucking night without being drugged up?" you spat your eyes narrowing at him, you didn't mean to be so harsh but you were very overstimulated and annoyed with everything and your mood was so sour. he looked at you offended leaning towards you angrily but you stood your ground your hands clenching into fists. 

"hey watch yourself! you don't understand it [name], this is just who I am and if you have such a big fuckin deal with it go home already. You are clearly not as fun as you used to be." he growled making your heart clench with hurt but mainly it fueled your anger. you took a step toward him trying to control yourself and not yell, you didn't want to get kicked out. that would hurt your pride and also it would be rather embarrassing to be kicked out of a lavish place like this.

"Well, it seems like I'm the only one actually trying to redeem myself!" you muttered painfully, watching his anger falter for a moment. you both went to the hotel together, you actually liked the idea of being redeemed while he was just looking for a place to stay. you were slowly straying away from the sex and drugs you indulged yourself in, unlike Angel. it certainly put a wall between the both of you. you were trying to become clean but being in these places always temped you and you hated it, you had relapsed too many times to count and it was so draining and you were sick of it. 

"I'm sick of this angel, you know I'm trying to be a better person but you keep trying to tempt me with all this- this bullshit! what kind of fucking friend is that?" you were desperate in trying to get him to understand, this shit wasn't healthy and you both knew it. being addicted was horrible and you needed his support but he didn't seem interested and it hurt you. a lot. you could always see his sideways glare when you spoke to Charlie about trying to quit. you weren't dumb.

"Well, maybe we're in fucking hell for a reason. trying to be a better person isn't going to stop shit and you know it. you should go find some other fucking friends if you want to be a good person so badly" Your eyes widened in shock as you took a step back, was he really doing this? dumping your friendship just because you wanted to go clean? his eyes glared down at you, filled with hate and your heart hurt. the anger you felt before washed away with sorrow. you didn't even respond since you knew if you did it would be something unforgivable, you slammed people out of the way making them yell and you could feel Angel's eyes on you as you left. 

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