Chapter 1 Briella POV

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Thinking - thinking
Speaking - "hello "
Texting/ Emailing - 'sup'

The taste of the bitter black coffee woke me up more and more as I drank it. It being 6 am makes the early mornings much more bearable.

Like always I have a lot of things to do and finish. The usual work day is not long enough for me to finish all the work we have been getting and coming in early really helps but like always my younger twin, Bridget wanted to accompany me to work ... even tho she is always groggy and tired early in the mornings so every time we both come to work early, she ends up falling asleep in the police lounge before the actual work day begins ... Every. Single. Damn. Time.

Which doesn't really annoy me because I know she needs more sleep than me but why come with me than if she is just going to fall asleep on her desk or in the police lounge instead of doing some paperwork early?

I will honestly never understand why she does this and why she is the way she is. She is a kind , bubbly sunshine person naturally. She loves helping people, no questions asked .. maybe that's why she always comes here with me an hour earlier .. maybe she doesn't want to make me feel lonely?

But shouldn't she be used to the fact that I don't like socialising with other people. I know one person with whom I talk to everyday. I guess I would call him my friend but that would be debatable, at least in my sisters eyes.

He is my buddy cop Jordan. He is almost the complete opposite of me but that doesn't discourage him from talking to me and or hanging out with me. Which ... is touching really. My eyes flicker towards the clock on the wall and notice that it's already 06:55.

I guess I should wake up Bridget from her Royal nap.

With a heavy sigh, I get up from my chair and throw away the empty to go cup of my coffee and walk into the police lounge. I tower over Bridget as she snores away on the couch, her straight blonde hair all messed up and bit drool on her cheek.

Her straight blonde hair is a big contrast to mine as my hair is jet black and curly ... like our mom. I crouch down and gently shake her awake.

"Bridget? Bridget? Wake up it's time for work" I say in a gentle voice... or I try .. everyone says my voice is always cold and distant for no reason. Another thing I got from our mom.

Thanks ma. Love ya too.

Bridget groans and turns away from me.

"NooOo ~~ .. let me SleeEeep ~~" She whines in her half asleep state to me and I mentally roll my eyes at her stubbornness .. not really towards her not wanting to wake up but to more that she chooses to come with me early in the morning instead of sleeping in her comfy bed.

My eyes widen slightly as I hear her murmur in her sleep about mom and dad.

Her dream is .. about them ? Us ? Why ? I mean I get why but .

It happened a long time ago and that may be the reason why Bridget and I aren't as close as we used to be. It's always bothered me because she is my sister but I won't force her to do anything.

It's was really hard for her when mom and dad separated, it affected her way more than it did me. She was at her happiest when ma and Pa were together with me ... but now .. she is at her happiest when she is with mom which I don't really get but I mean .. any person who is sane and has met my mom will tell you that she is kinda not .. normal.

I don't get why Bridget is happy with her. She is always happy with her but that isn't really an achievement. Bridget is almost always happy. Working, partying .. and now in her half dream state and half laying on a stinky police couch state.

I sigh and sit her up while she and I quote tries to struggle but ultimately fails since she is always to lazy to do anything in her half asleep state.

"Bridget get up. It's time for work and if you don't go to your desk in two minutes then Captain Williams will be angry at you" I say in a stern voice as I shake her awake harder.

She groans and opens her eyes , showing her tired ocean blue eyes, that part of her is from our mom while I got our dads emerald green eyes. She rubs her eyes and nods.

"Ugh fineee I'm awake I'm awake .. geez." She says in a soft voice laced with tiredness and gets up from the couch. We both walk over to our desks .. or more like I walk over and Bridget wobbles over to her desk ... as the clock hits 7 am, officially time for work.

With a heavy sigh, I turn my computer on and start to fill out some of my paperwork.

Okay Briella ... let's do this. Breath in .. breath out.


Fucking hell ... this is completely and utter bullshit .

I think to myself as I look through the new case file I got. It's about a woman named "Franziska Harris" ... this case is disgusting.

Bruises ... cuts ... broken bones ... broken ribs ... all of those things on a mere child .. a 14 year old girl.

My eyes scan the file and with each word I read, my stomach turns and a familiar feeling floods my body. I know this feeling all too well. The feeling of hopelessness and fearing no one will believe you.

This poor girl ... how could someone do such a thing ... but than again ... I'm not new to this ... I won't let her suffer anymore.

Thoughts flood my minds and the grip on my computer mouse tightens. Shaking my head in disgust, I take another sip of my coffee and continue looking through the file.

Teacher found her passed out in the girls bathroom ... malnourished and pale . Almost like a corpse . Clothes ripped ... her backpack ruined ... bloodied nose .. but injuries like the bruises and broken ribs are not recent ... meaning.

My eyes widen in shock as I realise that there could be a sick possibility.

Could it be ? ... hmm ... it is a possibility but really.

The thought of the possibility of my instinct being true is making me feel things I don't want to feel. The usual shit. The anger .. the disgust .. the disbelief and ... finally .. although the least likely .. acceptance.

I hate knowing that things like this happen a lot .. too much to my liking .. to much for anyones liking I think but .. most people turn a blind eye .. it's disgusting.

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