Chapter 4 Samuel POV

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After some time Evie calmed down and I left to go to the store. I had around 400 hundred bucks in my wallet which would more than enough to get some ingredients for my bakery and to get some 'cheer up' snacks for Evie.

My heart aches for her since she cried for half an hour and I couldn't believe my ma.

How could ma say such awful things to Evie? I know it was in the heat of the moment but geez.

I think to myself as I walk in the store and grab a shopping cart. I look down at my list with a soft smile.

Okay so 15 cartons of eggs, 20 bags of flour .. 10 bags of dark chocolate chips ... 5 big backs of white and brown sugar .. 4 bags of baking powder .. 4 bags of vanilla extract... 10 butter .. 8 cartons of milk .. cream ... tomatoes ... cucumbers... the usual.

I sigh softly as I see the list go on and on. This will be a long shopping trip but I have to get it over with since my bakery opens at around 6 am.

I walk down the grocery aisles and look through the stuff I need. I grab the veggies and fruits I need from the aisle 2.

Hmmm raspberries .. my favourite.. I can't wait to make some raspberry cupcakes and some raspberry pie pockets .. people love those .. I'm always out by one pm.

I think to myself as I grab the cartons of eggs and milk. I continue walking and think of the whole situation with Evie.

Hmm I still can't believe pa didn't stand up for Evie .. I mean she is his favourite daughter from my other two sisters if not his favourite .. and he and ma met during a party and he really likes bill .. they both get along and he treats Bill like his own son ... much better than me.

I frown slightly as I think about the situation with Pa and I .. we haven't talked in a long time. Not since our last fight about me. It's always about me and always my fault since I'm not like him. I hate that I always have to apologise. It's like it's always my fault.

No matter. I will always apologise if it keeps the peace on family .. speaking of which .. maybe I should call ma after I talk to Evie if she is comfortable with me discussing this issue with ma.

I take a deep breath as my head starts to hurt from the whole damn situation. Everything including with dad's uncharacteristic silence during the argument and my moms outburst on it.

I get where ma is coming from since she was a teen mom.. she had Danny when she was 16 with dad and that she is trying to protect Evie but this is too far.

My thoughts flow through my mind as my body goes on auto pilot and I continue grabbing everything I need.


Ten minutes later I'm standing in the line of the cash register. I wait for the line to move faster as it is longer and slower than usual which is quite a surprise since it's so early in the morning, but I guess I should have guessed since this is a 24/7 grocery store.

Come on come on come on ... Evie is waiting and I don't want her to be alone for too long .. she is already sad enough and she can't meet with bill since bill lives in another city where ma and pa live and Evie took a bus to my city.

I impatiently tap my foot as the line finally moves forward and it's my time to pay. The cashier looks about that she is about to give up on life. She turn towards me with tired eyes and starts to speak.

"Hello what do y-"

She suddenly comes to a halt when she sees my face, locking eyes with me. Her face lights up and she starts to flirtatiously play with her hair, smiling in a seductive way. I think. I don't really know what she is trying to do with her smile. She should probably tone it down.

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