Chapter 3 Samuel POV

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'Few hours earlier'



I begrudgingly open my eyes after smacking my hand on my alarm. Waking up early in the morning is the worst but that is what I get for being my own boss.

Ahh man .. it's already four am ? It feels like I just went to sleep few hours ago.

I sit up on my bed and rub my eyes to try to wake myself up but to no avail. I stumble out of my bed and wobble towards the bathroom. An unusual loud yawn escapes my mouth and blush of embarrassment spreads across my cheeks.

Oh shoot .. I Hope no one heard that .. oh wait .. I live alone ... YAY.

I think to myself and my stupidity at the fear of someone hearing me yawn or make other noises since I live alone. Walking in the bathroom, my eyes land on my own reflection in the mirror. A small frown makes it's way on my face as I see the dark circles under my eyes.

Damn .. I really should stop staying up so late. I can barely function and look like a corpse. This is a last time I'll do this.

I think with a slight annoyance and wash my face with some cold water. A shiver runs down my spine as the water gets in my eyes and I yelp out in surprise, taking a step back and stubbing my toe in some shitty corner.

"Fuck shit damn ... owwww~~"

I caress my slightly red toe and grumble quietly, feeling absolutely annoyed at my own clumsiness and bad luck.

Wow ... I shouldn't live alone or I'll die thanks to my clumsiness. Or my bad luck. Or is it bad luckness? Maybe unluckiness ... I don't care.

I let out a quiet sigh and take my pyjamas off. My pyjamas fall on the floor and I step into the shower. The cold water covers my face and soaks my dirty blonde hair. I have always hated my hair.

Why was I only one born with blonde hair? My siblings all have brown hair like our da. I'm stuck with my blond hair like ma. I feel so out of place.

I think as the cold water starts to wakes me up. Goosebumps start to appear on my arms as the cold water keeps getting colder and colder. I don't move as I zone out and stare at the tile of the bathroom floor.

I look like my ma .. everything about me is like ma .. maybe that is why I'm not so close with da. He has always implied that he loves me but actions speak louder then words right?

More thoughts flow through my mind but they come to a halt when someone rings my doorbell, making me stumble back in surprise.

Huh ... who could it be ? It's four freaking am?!

I think and turn the shower off. I get out of the shower and start to dry myself with a towel on the bath mat. The doorbell continues to ring uncontrollably and it starts to get on my nerve.

Okay this is definitely one of my family members. There is no way someone would ring my doorbell at 4 freaking am and not know that I wake up around this time.

I finish drying my body off and put on my blue bathrobe as I walk out the bathroom hastily, the doorbell ringing getting more agitating.


I call out and open my front door with furrowed eyebrows. My eyes slightly widen when I see my 17 year old sister in some .. well .. more then preferred revealing clothes and smeared makeup. Her eyes are bloodshot and she is shaking due to the cool weather in the morning, making me worry for her wellbeing.

"... Evie? What .. how? What are you doing here?"

I mumble softly as my eyes soften. I further open the door so that she should come in. She nods quietly and walks in my apartment.

"Thanks Sammy .. sorry for dropping by so late or .. for you so early in the morning .. and .. ma and I had another fight .. can I stay here? I really don't want to go back there .. at least not now."

She mumbles quietly and sits down on the couch. She looks so sad and vulnerable , shaking from the cold and sniffling quietly. She has always been an outspoken and a proud girl. Only small amount of people get to see her like this .

I frown slightly and nod while closing the door. I walk in the living room and sit down next to her.

"Of course Evie .. you're always welcome here .. you're my baby sister .. know that you can come at three am on Friday the thirteen and I'll always welcome you with open arms."

I mumble softly and hug her. I hear soft sniffles coming from her and she wraps her arms around me tightly. We sit like this for couple of minutes before pulling away and Evie gives me a small smile.

"Thanks big bro .. you're the best .. I'll be sure to remember that."

I chuckle softly when she mentions that im the best and I put on a proud smile.

"Pff I already know that Evie."

I say cheekily and ruffle her brown wavy hair.!Her hair is slightly disheveled since she probably was at a late night party.

That is probably why she and ma had a fight . Ma hates it when Evie goes out to a party .. especially late at night.

"Evie ... did you .. were you at a another party ? Is that why you and ma had a fight ?"

I ask her in a soft voice as some strands of my damp blonde hair fall over my stormy grey eyes. Her hazel eyes widen slightly and she lets out a small laugh, but it doesn't seem like a happy laugh she always does .. this one seems like a pained laugh .. a sad one .. a forced one.

"You could always see through me big bro .. yea .. i went to another party .. I sneaked out and when I came back at around 3 am .. she caught me .. she was waiting for me .. and .. boy it was a big fight Sammy."

She mumbles quietly as tears start to prickle in her eyes. My eyes soften slightly as she continues to explain.

"She and I started a shouting match and she .. well .. accused me of having unprotected sex with Bill."

My eyes widen as she finishes speaking. Ma accused her .. of what?

I know ma is protective of us but to go as far to accuse Evie of that? Evie is no angel but she is no rebel. She is a B average student and gets into minimal trouble. She works at a cafe as part time job so that she can buy stuff and afford college.

"And she put da into the middle of it and since da loves ma to bits .. he took her side .. you believe us right Sammy ? You don't think that I'm a whore .. right?"

She mumbles quietly as tears run down her cheeks and her shoulders start to shake. My heart breaks slightly and I hug her softly, trying to comfort her as much as I can.

"No no of course not Evie .. I know you and bill have been dating for a year and a half but I could never think that you would have sex .. Bill is a very nice guy and I know you two are waiting till college and even if you two had sex .. then I believe that you wouldn't have unprotected sex."

I mumble quietly to her and caress the top of her head as she continues crying softly in my arms. My arms tighten around her shoulders as her body starts to feel weak from all the crying.

I have to do something to make her feel better. Maybe I can go out and buy her some sweets .. yea .. I'll do that .. I was planning on going out to buy some ingredients for my bakery anyways. And I have to have a serious talk with ma.

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