Chapter 5 Briella POV

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Samual Walker .. huh .. that's a nice name .. and it's sound better with his voice.

"My name is officer Bennett ... mister Walker"

My voice coming out more cold than I have originally intended but I shake it off once I see his pink cheeks.

Hmm looks like he wasn't offended at my tone or for what it seems to the outside people .. my lack of empathy .. or he was but is good at hiding it.

I shake the feeling Off and nod my head, trying to control my thoughts about him.

"Okay mister Walker .. are you able to walk by yourself or do you need assistance?"

Mister Walker let's put a pained chuckle and nods. My heart does the weird thing again and makes my body feel weird.

"Ahh yes .. I may need some help because.. umm well .. my leg is pretty much useless as of right now."

He points at his swollen leg with a flustered smile. I nod and swiftly pick him up in my arms into a bridal style. He yelps in surprise since I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting me to pick him up with such ease.

"Oh woah .. you are really strong .. officer Bennett."

He says in a soft voice and he gives me a closed eyed smile. My stomach flips and I get a unrecognisable feeling in my chest.

What is this? Oh this is definitely a stroke .. maybe I should check with a doctor later today?

I think to myself as I look at mister Walker in my arms. He seems slightly nervous and vulnerable. I'm sure he doesn't fully feel comfortable being in my arms.

"Do not worry mister Walker .. the medics at the scene of the robbery will take good care of you. Your leg will be just fine .. "

I say calmly and rush towards the medics standing around the ambulance truck. There seem to be five medics there and four of them are already assisting some other civilians who were unfortunate enough to get caught up in this.

I quickly look around for the fifth medic as I walk towards the ambulance car. I Spot him on his phone near the car and anger bubbles up in my chest.

There are civilians bruised and have cuts on their bodies and he is just sitting on his ass ?! Oh not on my watch.

My legs speed up and I stand in front of the medic with a glare. Mister Walker looks at the medic in confusion and then at me.

"Umm officer Ben—"

"What do you think you are doing?"

My voice coming out harshly as I address the medic, unintentionally cutting mister Walker off as he tired to speak with me. The medic looks up at me with a bored expression but that  changes into annoyance as he sees mister Walker in my arms.

"Ugh what ? Can't you see I'm busy .. go annoy someone else missy."

That really gets on my nerves when he waves his free hand at me dismissively and calms me missy.

..... missy ? Oh like hell he is getting away with this.

"I asked you a question .. you better answer it."

I grumble annoyed as I set mister Walker on a medical chair near the ambulance car. The medic looks up at me with a raised eyebrow and a expression that I can only describe as a 'you're walking to me ?'. He rolls his eyes and puts his phone away.

"Come on missy .. no need to be so grumpy .. I told you nicely to leave me be and annoy someone else .. or are too stupid to understand that."

He says in a mocking voice and with an amused smile. The vain on my forehead starts to pulse in annoyance and anger.

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