Chapter 27 Briella POV

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The headache has still not gone away even after going to sleep. Even after taking a long shower and even after smoking another or few more cigarette sticks. I actually I smoked the rest of my pack of cigarettes.

"Why is this happening?"

I murmur quietly as I smoke my last cigarette stick of my pack. My eyes stare at the entrance of the hotel, waiting for Evie and Samuel to walk out. I ready my back against my cars door while my heart continues beating faster and faster as the last nights or more like this early morning conversation that I had with Samuel.

His hand on my cheek, caressing it with his thumb softly while he looks deeply into my eyes. I never thought that I would feel this way with someone. I never thought my heart would race so much with such little contact. I have had more sexual and romantic things done with other people but this feels different. Somehow.

My eyes widen slightly when they walk out of the hotel with their bags in their hands. My lips purse and I flick my finished cigarette butt into a trash can and blow the smoke out.

"Hey hey hey Briella. How did you sleep? How was your night?" Evie says in a excited voice and places her bag in the backseat and smiles brightly at me with a knowing look in her eyes. My eyes glance over to Samuel as he has a flustered expression plastered on his face and that was the only thing he needed to do for me to understand what had happened.

".. it was fine.. how did you sleep Evie?" I open up the driver side of the door and get in, starting the car and putting my seatbelt on as both of them also get in. Evie has a pout on her face as she realises that I didn't tell her anything about yesterday night. And I never will. My eyes dart towards Samuel as his sandy coloured cheeks are coated with a small hue of pink.

"... we should be getting at your guys hometown in few hours.. around 9 am. So we have to have a bit of patience." I tilt the river view mirror of my car and start to back out of the parking lot.

Okay.. this will be a fine few hours. I can do this.

"Imma turn on some music." Evie grabs her phone and connects it to my cars bluetooth before scrolling through it. My heart skips a beat when I feel Samuel looking at me from the corner of my eye. I gulp quietly as I start to drive towards Huntington. Evie let's out a soft giggle and starts to play the song.

It's going to be okay. It's not like she is going to turn on some annoying song that is replayed.

But my peace is soon crushed into fine powder when the song "Fight song" by Rachel Platten. I let out a loud huff as my eyes harden as Evie starts singing and Samuel starts to laugh softly from his younger sisters singing.

Never mind. I can't do this. But I have to. For Samuel.


Few hours later

Oh my god I can't do this anymore.

My eye twitches as she plays the song again. And again. And again. It has been two hours and she keeps playing different songs but she keeps playing that song every ten minutes.

"~LIKe a sMALl bOAt on tHe OCean. SenDIng Big. WAvEs iNTo mOTion. LiKE hOw a siNGle wOrD~" Evie sings loudly on top of her lungs as her hair bounces with her dance moves. She has a big smile plastered on her face and Samuel has a thin smile on his face. By his expression he is also annoyed by the song already and is also like me too polite to say anything.

Nope. Can't do it anymore.

"Okay no more music." I say in a sharp voice and grab her phone, stopping her mid lyric and turn the song off before tossing it back to her. A small pang of guilt sets on my heart when I hear her moan quietly because I accidentally hit her stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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