Chapter 24 Samuel POV

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"... What?"

Her confused expression makes my cheeks heat up more. Her plum pinkish lips pursed and her emerald eyes squinted, as if trying to figure out if she heard Evie correctly. After few seconds she looks at me with a pointed look, knowing I must've slipped up at the fact that she can sing. A pang of guilt forms in my heart as I realise it was rude of me to tell Evie about her singing but in my Defense, which is not a lot, I didn't know Evie would ask her to sing.

"Oh umm.. I guess I can.. not that good." She says in a timid but still cold voice, which makes me wonder. Why did she built this walls of ice around herself? Why doesn't she trust people? I know that not all humans are nice people. Serial killers, rapists, robbers and etc. and I know that first hand. My father used to be a ..

A sheriff. Or an officer? What was his position? I don't know and I think I never really knew. I just know that he was in a higher position than a normal officer. Everyone listened to him without question. No matter if it was a command or a request. I guess he was a captain. Doesn't matter. Not like he cared to tell me. At least not later down the line.

I think to myself as a shiver runs down my spine. Just thinking about my father sends a wave of betrayal and nausea in my chest. His words are still burned in my mind. Calling me selfish and weak.

"You have to stop being selfish Samuel  once in your life and give benny and Jessica your blessing. If you don't than you are a weak man who doesn't care for his family's feelings and happiness.. and a man like that is no son of mine."

I look out the window as tears start to prickle in my eyes. I don't know for how long I have been looking out the window and thinking, trying not to cry. I don't want anyone to see me like this. If I cry now than I'll be admitting to everyone and myself that his words still hurt me. Not being his son never stroke as a bad thing but now that it has happened. It hurts more than it should. He has always shown me his true feelings to me but nothing has hurt more than this. And I know he meant it. If he didn't than he would be the one apologies and begging for forgiveness and inviting me to the family get togethers. Not mom.

Of course he doesn't care. He never did. He stopped caring once I told him to the face that I never wanted to start a career as a person in law enforcement. I don't want to be a cop or an officer or a sheriff or whatever he used to be. He than stopped trying and stopped pretending that he cared for me. His new focus was Benjamin. His heart and joy. Only person who wanted to follow in his footsteps. His precious Benjamin.

A long sigh escapes my mouth as I shut my eyes, trying to contain the tears that are threatening to spill. I wish I could just disappear from here for couple of minutes so that no one could see me crying like a little kid. I know that crying is not bad but dad said that man can't cry. It's a sign of weakness. I know that that is load of bullshit but still.

"... are you okay Samuel?"

A concerned but cold voice cuts through my train of thoughts. My eyes snap open as I look to my side to see Briella looking at me with concerned eyes. Her emerald eyes are shining brightly and her pink lips are slightly parted, as if wanting to say something but also not daring to say something. A small smile plasters its way on my face as I look into her eyes and nod my head.

"Yes yes I'm fine Briella. Do not worry about me. Please focus on the road." I say in a soft voice and unintentionally place my hand on her shoulder. My eyes widen with hers as both of our eyes dart to my hand. Neither of us say anything for couple or moments before I pull my hand away with a awkward laugh. My cheeks are ribeyes red from the embarrassment. So much so that my freckles are barely visible due to the redness of my cheeks.

Oh my god. What did I just do? Do I take my hand off? Wait? Why am I so nervous? It's just a small gesture between friends. I'm just reassuring her. Play cool Samuel.

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