Chapter 9 Briella POV

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"Oh my apologies officer Bennett .. this is my younger sister Evie or Evangeline .. Evie .. this is officer Bennett ."

My eyebrows raise slightly when I look down at the petit looking girl with light brown hair and hazel eyes . She has some similar features like her older brother but they seem like different people . Not related.

Ehh who am I to judge ? I don't know anything about them and yet I'm questioning their relations ?

I bow my head slightly and look at her with a calm, stoic expression.

"Pleasure to meet you Evangeline. Officer Bennett. I deeply apologies for the problems your older brother has faced today morning "

Evangeline's eyes widen in disbelief at my tone and let's out a small groan as her grip tightens on the door handle.

Maybe I seemed too stoic and unsympathetic? I should probably try to act more sympathetic.

She scoffs and flips her hair over her shoulder.

"Wow you just seem like a dear to be around. Tell me do you always sound so bland and uninterested in people? Because jeez would it kill you to actually be empathetic?"

She scolds me like she is my mother although I'm obviously older than her. Her response is immature and childish but I can see where she is coming from.

She must feel emotional since she just saw that her older brother being injured. Don't snap Briella ... she is just a kid

"Look miss Evangeline. I know you are upset at the fact that your older brother got injured. But do know that it wasn't intentional on the police's part. So please stop talking like a know it all and know not everyone can or want to spit emotions out like gum"

I say in a cold voice, looking directly in her eyes with a cold expression. Her eyes widen and her face starts to turns red, contras to her brothers, who's face pales

Okay .. maybe I was a bit too harsh. But .. was that harsh ? It's not like I'm lying or anything.. but undermining someone is never a good idea. I should apologise .. it was too harsh and unnecessary.

Mister Walker's eyes widen and he waves his hands around frantically, trying to calm his sister down as steam starts to come out of her ears. The key word 'trying'. She start to speak in Shrill like voice that makes most people want to claw their ears out while he tries to calm her down.

"Okay why don't we all take deep breaths and calm do—"


Mister Walker's face immediately falls in defeat and lets her rant start, giving up almost immediately to calm her down since she doesn't seem to want to stop yelling. I flinch slightly at her shriek and look at her slightly surprised.

"Who the hell do you think you are officer Benny -"


I cut her want off in a sharp but firm voice. She rolls her eyes and waves her hand dismissively, seemingly not caring that she got my name wrong .

"Ugh whatever .. so I don't care who you are or what you do but you do not speak to me that way you .. don't think that I will respect or kiss your feet just because you're a police officer. You hurt my brother.. miss apathetic 200.." She snarls at me and flips her hair over her shoulder before speaking back up.

"You Bitch."

My eyes widen slightly and mister Walker let's out a gasp of shock. My fist start to clench in anger as Evangeline looks at me with a smug expression.

Breathe Briella .. Breathe .. she is just a kid.

Mister Walker stutters out an apology or something, but I don't listen. I take deep breaths and look at mister Walker as calmly as I can. I raise my hand to stop him from apologising even more to me. He looks at me nervously and nods as he stops speaking.

"It's quite alright mister Walker. You don't have to apologise for your younger sisters behaviour. She seems like a person who deeply cares for you. I will take my leave now but if you need anything or if you remember anything about the robbery, please do contact me. Have a nice day Mister Walker ."

I say in a calmest voice as I can muster without glaring at Evangeline's eyes rolling and annoyed expression, seemingly not caring about her insulting words and foolish accusation. Mister Walker looks at me with a mix of sadness and understanding as I extend my business card to him.

"Of course officer Bennett.. my apologies again for my sisters words and I will contact you if anything "

He says in a soft voice and takes my business card, mumbling something I couldn't quite understand. I nod and walk down the stairs as fast as I can so that i can get into my car and take a breather. I get into my car and put on my seatbelt before resting my head on the steering wheel.

Breathe .. she is not one of them . She is a kid who doesn't know any better about you. Calm down.

I open my eyes and turn the car engine on . With a last glance at the apartment complex, I drive off towards the police station. My head and heart continue pounding like drums but I try to control myself as I drive.

Memories of that life floods my mind and a shiver runs down my back as his voice quietly whispers in my ears . The words I haven't heard in almost 10 years but are still freshly burned in my brain.

"Briella ... it would have be—"

I stop the car in front of a bakery as cold sweat runs down my forehead. Only thing heard in car is my heavy breaths as I close my eyes and rest my head on my steering wheel.

"Calm down Briella .. he is not here .. she is not here .. "

I mumble quietly, trying to calm myself down but fail .. kinda? I shake my head and get out of the car . I walk inside the bakery and pick out some food to buy for my sister and my friend . I grab everything i need and walk up to buy them .

"Four coffees please .. one caramel latte with extra sugar .. one black coffee with no sugar or cream .. one iced coffee and one vanilla cappuccino "

I say in a shaky voice which I try to mask but I think I fail by the looks of the cashier. The cashier looks at me with a nervous expression and I don't blame him. I probably look like I saw a ghost or something. Which is not too far fetched from what really happened.

After few awkward moments of silence, he hands me my stuff and I pay without saying anything . I walk back I to my car and take a breather as I sit in the drivers seat again.

Everything is fine Briella .. just remember to breathe .

I silently encouraging and comfort myself as I start to drive towards the precinct . I turn on some music , trying to clear my head and I immediately groan as I hear the amazing but embarrassing song 'blue' from 'the heathers: musical' starts playing that caused me to almost die on the inside.

"Oh god .. I love this song "

I mumble softly as I listen to the ridiculous but funny lyrics. I bob my head slightly at the beat and start to sing along quietly to Kurt and Ram.

"~They're warm like mittens. They'll curl up on your face and purr like kittens~"

I sing quietly and look ahead as my head clears and let out a soft sigh. My thoughts drift back to the conversation I had with Bridget before I brought to mister Walker back to his place .

Hmm ... what did she mean by that ?

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