Chapert 8 Samuel POV

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Maybe i crossed a line ? Did I make her feel uncomfortable?

Those kind of thoughts flood my mind as the rain drops slide don't on the window. I try my best to not look at officer Bennett which is kinda difficult when her eyes dart towards me every few minutes.

God why is the traffic so long ? It's not like I live few hours away.

Pouting slightly, I continue to look out the window and make my movements minimal because of my broken leg. I Look down at my bandages leg.

I was told that it's not really broken but it will take a month or so for it to fully heal.

I shake my head and glance at officer Bennett. My thoughts starts to drift towards her and her ... let's just say .. unfortunate reaction at my amusement.

She probably didn't want anyone to know that she likes musicals .. people tend to make fun of musical geeks ... or maybe she doesn't like musicals at all and it was just on some random playlist. I'm just reading too much into this.

My thoughts are interrupted when the car comes to a stop and officer Bennett gets out of the car. I gulp slightly when I open the door in front of my apartment complex. I let out a frustrated sigh and stumble out of the car.

Okay this is not so ba—

"Whoa ahh."

I let out a high pitched squeal as I fall into a puddle. My pants and hoodie heat soaked with the rain and in the muddy puddle. Officer Bennett hears my girlish scream and rushed to help me. I look at her with a grateful eyes and let out a shaky sigh.

"Thank you officer Bennett ... umm."

The feeing of my cheeks heating up is getting stronger as I feel her body against mine. She puts my arm over her shoulder and helps me towards my apartment complex.

Oh my god .. she is so close to me .. my heart is killing me . This is so embarrassing. I fell down like a dumbass and screamed like a five year old girl.

"Which floor do you live on?"

Her voice snaps me out of my train of thoughts and I glance towards her as she helps me into the complex. I smile awkwardly and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Umm well .. I live on the sixteenth floor and .. the elevator is broken."

I mumble in a quiet voice with a flustered expression. Knowing that helping or more like dragging me up the stairs and to my apartment will be a challenge. Officer Bennett's expression falls slightly as she looks at the elevator doors that has a flyer stating that the elevator is broken and than up at the stairs well with furrowed eyebrows.

"Umm you don't have to help me up .. I can do this all on my own."

I say trying to convince her and at the same time .. myself as well at the possibility of walking up right flights of stairs in one piece. Shaking her head , officer Bennett tightens her grip on me and starts to walk up the stairs.

"No ... I'll help you up .. it's my job to help you and I can't let you go up the stairs all alone .. you are already injured enough and you just fell down into a puddle like blind puppy."

She says in a blunt voice and starts to help me up the stairs. My heart starts to beat faster and an uncomfortable feeling sets in my stomach.

I'm glad that she is still willing to help me but I don't really appreciate her calling me out on my clumsiness .. but she did call me a puppy.

My cheeks heat up slightly and my palm start to sweat at the closeness of her body. Her soft hands around my waist and my arm.

Oh this will be a long trip up the stairs.


Okay this is way worse than I thought.

I think to myself as we are making our way on the fifth floor and I'm already out of breath.

The damned elevator has been broken for the whole week and I have been more exercise than ever ... didn't make me more athletic.

My heavy breaths are the only thing heard in the complex. I glance over at officer Bennett and my expression stiffens when I see that she barely has any sweat.

How? How is she not out of breath? Oh I'm stupid .. of course she is athletic because she is a cop .. I bet she has an amazing bod — .. what? What did I just think.

My face flushed as glance over at officer Bennett. The thought that almost entered my mind is really inappropriate.

How could I think such a thing .. she is really beautiful and has a .. umm nice body I guess but I can't think stuff like that .. she is helping me and wasting her time on my clumsy ass and I think stuff like this about her .. this is absolutely unethical.

I scold myself and reason with myself mentally and continue struggle walking up the stairs with my bandaged right leg.

"Okay this is taking way too long .. I'm picking you up and running up the stairs."

Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I glance towards her. Before I can answer, I yelp out in shock and surprise as she picks me up in a bridal style.

"WHOA wait offic—"

Before I can answer, officer Bennett starts to sprint up the stairs and disregards any protest I yell or more like squeal out while she runs up the stairs.

In under a minute we make it up to the sixteenth floor. Officer Bennett's breaths are heard loudly as she puts me down and I can't help but look at her in amazement.

Whoah ... that was so fast ... she is so fast and cool.

"Wow .. you're so fast officer Bennett .. I could barely react.. you ran so fast I could feel the wind blowing on my face."

I compliment her in amazement as she take deep breaths and she looks up at me with a surprised but gentle expression. She quickly shakes the gentle expression off and clears her throat.

"Umm .. thank you mister Walker.. my apologies for .. you know picking you up and running up the stairs without permission.. I'm just .. in a hurry and I didn't want you to be on your feet for any longer."

The thing I noticed is that most of the time when she talks to me that she avoids eye contact with me.

Hmmm I wonder why .. should I ask her ? Yea yea .. I will .. I will ask her.

I make up my mind and open my mouth to ask her the reason of her reluctance to make eye contact with me.

"Hey officer Bennett .. why are yo—"

My front door slamming open and someone yelling out my name cuts me off.

"SAMMY ... oh my god what happened?! Why is your leg bandaged? Who is this woman? Why are you two so close? Why are you blushing? What the hell is going on?!"

I Look to my side as Evie rushes towards me and cups my face. She starts to fire questions at officer Bennett and I. Feeling embarrassed, I turn towards officer Bennett and offer her a sheepish smile.

"Oh my apologies officer Bennett .. this is my younger sister Evie or Evangeline .. Evie .. this is officer Bennett."

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