Chapter 16 Samuel POV

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I smile innocently as Lily looks at me with a bewildered expression before sighing in defeat.

"You little bastard .. fine." She says in a annoyed voice before going back to her computer and typing. "But to be frank I don't think a sister should owe her brother something for making him come to a family dinner to patch up the family but whatever ." She glances at me with a 'You better be happy' look before going back to typing.

That's your fault for assuming that your younger sibling wont hold anything against you.

I chuckle softly and shrug my shoulders before resting my elbows on the chairs armrest.

"You know me .. I don't want to go because of .. them but .. I'll go .. I want to see ma anyway .. she was sad on the phone when I told her that I wouldn't be coming this week too." I say while thinking back to the phone call me and ma had few days ago about the same topic.


Few days ago. Specifically three days ago on Monday.

"Come on Sammy. Please come home. Me and your dad miss you so much and he and benny are sorry." The desperation in my ma's voice can be heard clearer than the sky in the summer. I let out a sigh of annoyance and shake my head before speaking into the phone in a calm voice.

"Ma. I don't want to and like I said. I don't care if they are sorry. They hurt me.." I trail of a bit as I think of a way to say my thoughts without hurting her more. "They hurt me .. why can't you see that?"

I hear ma sighing in sadness on the other line and there is awkward silence before she speaks up again. "Of course I can see that Sammy and I know that you are hurt but they are your family and they are trying to change.. I mean Benny and Brit—" "I asked you a thousand times to not tell me about them and specifically to NOT  mention her name." I cut her off and snap at her, feeling guilty immediately when I hear her quietly yelp.

Man.. I .. suck don't I? Who am even asking this?

I let out a sigh of defeat and start to massage my temple before I start to speak again. "I'm sorry ma .. I didn't mean to snap I'm just .. mad that you continue to mention her name and continue trying to mend my relationship with Benjamin and da." A small sob can be heard from the other line and I slouch in my chair, feeling mad that I made her cry.

"It's okay Sammy .. I know you're mad and I keep forgetting. It just breaks my heart to see that you drift apart from benny and your dad .. you guys used to be so close." She says in a sad voice and I don't disagree with her but not because she is right. I just don't want to make her cry more.

Why does she still think that me and da were ever close? It's clear to everyone but her that I was never his favourite.

"Look ma.. I get that you are sad that I didn't come yesterday and that I wont be coming on this Sunday too but please see it from my perspective." I plead for her to understand why I'm so adamant on not going. I hear her sigh and clear her throat, obviously trying to sound like she is okay or that she understands.

"Okay love.. I get it.. enough about the Sunday dinner .. do you have anyone new in your life? Perhaps a woman?" She ask, her voice laced with hope and curiosity but I'm sure every last bit of hope died in her when I groaned.

"No ma .. I told you that I'm not ready for a relationship after what happed with them."
"I know you said that love but it has been three years .. can't you just go out with one of the lovely daughters of my friends?." She says in a frustrated voice but with a hint of nervousness as she desperately wants for me to find someone.

A sigh of frustration escapes my mouth as she again tries to be a matchmaker with me when I clearly told her that I don't want a relationship. Not right now.

"Ma please .. can we drop the topic of my love life? I appreciate it but I don't want to date anyone right now." I say in a quiet voice as energy in my body leaves me as this conversation happens almost every week.

God why can't she just let it be. I get it that she wants for me to be with someone and not lonely but I can do that on my own. I don't need her to do it for me.

She goes quiet for a moment before letting out a sigh and speaking up again. "Okay love .. I'll drop it.. I'll call you back soon.. we all love you .. bye Sammy." She says in a quiet voice and hangs up before I can even answer. I let out a groan as I toss my phone on my bed and cover my face with my hands.

Am I in the wrong? Should I just try to go on one of the blind dates and if it doesn't work out than she will drop it.


".. Sammy?"

I snap out of my thoughts when lily's voice calls out to me. Her concerned expression makes me smile slightly and I tilt my head as I start to speak, trying to decrease her concern.

"Yea? Yea im Fine .. let's keep me coming to the Sunday dinner a secret. I want to surprise ma okay?" Lily smiles softly at me and nods her head eagerly. "Okay.. but now we should start checking how your leg is doing.. that is actually why you came here." She say som a soft voice and starts to check my leg. I let out a shaky sigh as I start to think about what might happen at that dinner.

It won't be that bad .. right? Right.


An Hour later

"Okay so your leg is definitely swollen but it not too bad. It should heal in around a half a month or so and you have to keep the cast on for the whole at least two weeks.. got it Sammy?" Lily mentions for the hundred time as she hugs me tightly, burying her face in my chest since she is significantly shorter than me.

I pat her head with a small smile and pull away. "Yea yea I got it big sis. My leg will heal within a month. I have to keep the cast on and I have to be careful and not put too much pressure on it." I say in a reassuring voice and open the door of her office. She nods her head with a smile and we bid our goodbye before I walk out of her office.

I walk out of the hospital and towards officer Bennett's car. I stop in my tracks when I see officer Bennett singing in the car and .. she looks absolutely..

... oh wow .. she looks .. so cute and ridiculous.

She suddenly stops singing when she turns her head and spots me. Her face pales and she turns the music off in an instant before unlocking the door of a car. I chuckle softly at her flustered expression and her frantic actions when she tries to cover up that she was singing.

I get in the car while smiling at her and put on the seatbelt.




"... you saw nothing"


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