Chaper 15 Samuel POV

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Man why does she have to be so closed off? Couldn't sue just answer my question? Well technically she is allowed to not but it would be nice if she did.

I think to myself as I get out of officer Bennett's car and walk into the hospital, feeling nervous about what the doctor might say. The receptionist looks up at me when I walk up to her. I offer her a smile and tilt my head before speaking up in a soothing voice.

"Hello there. My name is Samuel Walker and I have an appointment in ten minutes with Dr. Rogers. May I know which room should I walk to?" The receptionist smiles softly, her cheeks tinting slightly pink in the process.

"Of course mister Walker. Give me a moment please." She says in a polite, soft voice and types away on her computer.

Hmm when officer Bennett says 'mister Walker'. I like it more than when the receptionist said it... was that even English?.. nope.

I shake my head at my shitty internal grammar and smile softly when the receptionist says that Dr. Rogers is waiting for me in room 204.

"Thank you so much miss. Have a lovely day"

I say with a bright smile and walk away as the receptionist calls out 'Have a nice day as well mister Walker' in a flustered voice, making me frown slightly as I have this weird feeling in my stomach.

Why does it feel different when Officer Bennett calls me that? When she says it makes me feel.. I don't know what actually. I wouldn't put in happy or fluttery since I don't really know.

I walk inside the elevator and press the second floor button before leaning against a wall of the elevator.

Hmm I mean it feels nice that she calls me something other than sir but I guess it would be nicer if she called me Samuel.

I snap out of my thoughts when the elevator door opens and I walk out. My eyes dart towards the room 204. My breath gets stuck in my throat as I knock and a sweet voice calls me in. I smile softly as I walk and see a short, slightly chubby woman in her early thirties wearing all white outfit with a doctors coat, her dark brown hair tied in a low ponytail and her make up light. I close the door behind me before speaking up.

"Hey Lils. How are you big sis?" I say in a cheery voice and wobble over to her to give her a hug. She looks up from her papers and smile softly before giving me a hug.

"Hey Sammy. I'm fine .. well you aren't as I see.. what happened?" She gestures toward a seat for me to sit down and I comply.

"Umm well how about I tell you all about it on Sunday when everyone will meet for dinner at shaw's " I say slightly nervously and look at her as she looks back at me with confused eyes but nods.

Oh thank god she agreed. I don't want her to Panik. I really don't want to say anything now since I don't know if I'm allowed to. What if officer Bennett gets angry with me for spilling something I shouldn't.

"Okay. I won't force you but do know. You can always talk to me." She says in her usual calm, soothing voice and pushes her black rectangular shaped glasses up on her nose.

I actually think that I got my way with words and voice from her. And god she looks like grandma Gigi.

I smile softly at her admire her dementor and to be frank. Everything about her. She is my big sister and I will always look up to her, even tho she is only four years older, she seems way more mature than me.

Hmm maybe it has to do with the fact that she is married and has two children. Hmm could be. Man imagine being married. I could never...Okay that just sounds sad.

"I know Lils. I can always count on you." I smile brightly at her and in return, she leans over her desk and ruffles my blonde curls, making both of us laugh.

"Of course you can little Sammy .. but wait." She sits back down with a serious expression and scratches her chin like in thought. "If you're telling us at shaw's .. does that mean you won't be coming to ma and da's house for dinner on Saturday?" She asks in a serious voice but there's something else underneath that seriousness. It's concern.

I don't blame her for being concerned .. me and da haven't talked like two normal people for almost two years.. but I can't forgive him and Vincent for what they have done to me.

I avoid eye contact with her and nod quietly. Lily frowns slightly and nods her head before letting out a exhausted sigh. "You two can't go on like this. I get that da was a jerk but ma and I can't your guy's mediator forever. This has got to stop." She says sternly and crosses her arms, trying to intimidate me. But I just flash her a smile since no matter what she tries, she will always look absolutely adorable.

"You know Lils. You try to intimate me by looking like that.. but you look like a kid who just wants to take candy from another kid." I say in a playful voice, trying to lift the mood up.

She always tried to keep the peace in the family. Just like ma.. and grandma Gigi. Ha that's funny.

Lily furrows her eyebrows and bites her lip, making a face that can only be described like someone trying to fart on purpose. And the worst thing is that this is the face she makes when she is trying to not to laugh and or trying to seem angry.. or maybe both.

"Look Samuel.. this is serious. You and da haven't talked like almost two years and it's getting out of hand." She leans over and takes my hands into hers, giving them a soft squeeze. "Please Sammy.. can you come to the dinner on Saturday? I know you're hurt but we miss you.. well most of us actually show it but you know.. we love you." She says in a calming voice and kisses my forehead like a good big sister or like a mom and sits back on her seat.


Do I have to?




I really don't want to.


Ugh fine .. you win this time Lily Regina Smith. This time only. But know this.. this isn't over.

After few minutes of silence I finally speak up, breaking the awkward but also somehow calming silence. "... ugh fine.. I'll come .. but if da starts it again.. than I'm leaving immediately." I say in a stern voice and extend my hand for her to shake. "Deal?" Lily raises an eyebrow before smiling brightly and nodding her head. She grabs my hand tightly and shakes it.


Oh boy .. what did I get myself in? I surely wont regret in the future.



".. and also you owe me one than."

"Wait what?"

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