Chaper 12 Briella POV

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"... ... ie .. ie .. rie .. Brie .. BRIE "

I suddenly jolt awake when I hear someone calling my name. I open my eyes and look at the person calling my name and to no one's surprise it's Jordan. One of the few people who actually talk to me and even one of the fewer people who ACTUALLY like talking to me.

"What?" I mumble in a annoyed voice, clearly unamused by him waking me up but I guess my 'annoyance' didn't show since he only flashed me a smug grin and sat down on my desk.

"Good morning sleeping beauty.. or more like good afternoon sleeping beauty. Heard you had quite a morning .. care to elaborate?"

He says while crossing his legs and drinking coffee from the to-go cup I got him, which he took without even asking if it's his .

".. sure but why are you drinking that? I never gave you permission to drink it" I grumble quietly and stretch my arms, feeling slightly sluggish after what seemed like a days long nap. I look over to the clock and see that I only napped for like around an hour. Jordan shoots me a smug grin while his hazel eyes glowing with amusement.

"Oh is this coffee not for me? Can you seriously tell me that you brought someone coffee other me or your sis? Nice try .. plus no one else drinks a caramel latte here". His voice laced with smugness? I guess. Like he had accomplished something spectacular. He only stated facts.

I roll my eyes and push his ass off my desk before turning my computer back on. I let out a groan when I see the damn thing buffering.

Shit. Damn these sucky computers.

I think to myself and try to stay calm on the outside but fail as it seems since Jordan bursted out laughing. I glare up at him and shot him a look of 'what's so funny?'.

Jordan shrugs his shoulders while mumbling something about me looking adorable when annoyed. I scoff quietly and lean my back against my chair and give up when Jordan plops his ass back down on my desk.

"Well .. what are you waiting for girly? Tell me the deets of this morning and about the robbery. What happened and who was involved"

I roll my eyes at his enthusiasm at the thought of getting something from me. We usually tell each other about the others case or more like he nags me till I tell him and he freely vents to me.

Which ... to be honest .. feels good to know that he trust me enough to tell me stuff about his work life and his personal life so that is why I don't really mind telling him about my stuff. Although I'm not as expressive about my stuff.

I mentally smile to myself as I see his shoulders tense slightly when he sees me sitting up straight, indicating that I'm about to start talking.

God he knows me well.

"Umm well today morning I got a call that there was a robbery going on so me and Bridget went there as fast as we could. We made it there just in time when the robbers started running ."

Jordan places his elbow on his thigh and listens to me intensely while sipping his coffee rather loudly, irritating people around us but he doesn't seem to care one bit.

"And we started running after them with some other stand by officers obviously but I held back from ."

I mumble quietly and take a sip of my own coffee. Black with no sugar and no cream.

Hmm my favourite. Some say you are what you eat and drink. Jordan seems to always says that's the case for me since I love black coffee and I'm bitter and dark like it .. whatever that means. Jerk.

Jordan's eyes widen as he leans forward and takes a bite of his sandwich which I bought him and he didn't ask for permission as well.

Why do I even bother with him?

"Wait why? Did you hurt yourself? Nooo my baby"

He exclaims louder than one would have perfected and puts everything down before inspecting my face for any bruises. I groan and take his hands off my face.

"No I didn't get hurt .. I heard some guy yell and I held back to help HIM. He was the injured one .. one of the robbers hit his leg with a metal pole to create a distraction ."

I say to reassure his that I'm not hurt. He pouts slightly when I take his hands off my cheeks and goes back to drinking his coffee. He raises an eyebrow when I say that a man was injured.

"Injured? Distraction? How was he injured? Did he break his leg?"

I think back to the paramedics words and I think they mentioned that mister Walker had a mild bruising on his leg and fractured leg.

Hmm I should visit him in few days. To check up on him and ask his questions.

I think to myself as I take another sip of my coffee and let out a sigh of relief when the computer finally loads.


"Umm well I believe his legs is fractured.. I think .. I don't exactly remember since it was really early in the morning and that paramedic was pretty unprofessional .. annoying"

I mumble quietly and glance at him as his eyebrows raise. Probably at the fact that mister Walkers leg is fractured and not at the fact that I found someone annoying.

"Fractured? Ouch .. poor guy .. who is he anyway? And why did you find the paramedic annoying?"

I shrug my shoulders and mentally agree that miser Walker is a poor guy since he got wrapped up a situation he shouldn't have been in the first place. I take a bite out of my own sandwich since I'm starving and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Hmm tasty.

"Umm well the guys name is Samuel Walker and the paramedic was annoying because he wasn't doing his job. He was sitting on his phone while mister Walker sat there, clearly in pain. I tour him a nasty one and he did his job afterwards."

Jordan hums in response and chews his bite of sandwich while furrowing his eyebrows in a weird way, indicating that he is thinking about something.

Why does he raise his eyebrows and then furrow them downwards? Hmm

"So Samuel Walker ... is he any cute?" Jordan asks, his voice laced with mischief and curiosity. I raise an eyebrow at his question like why is he asking me that?

Hmm I don't know what to call mister Walker. Since Bridget called him cute and handsome than I guess that's it.

"Bridget said that he is handsome. Take what you can get. He has curly dirty blonde hair, stormy grey eyes and sandy skin with soft freckles. Soft manly features with pink lips and a medium build. Not too muscular but not you know .. scrawny?" I mumble unsure of my description of mister Walker since it really doesn't do him any justice.

Jordan raises an eyebrow and let's out a soft chuckle, making me slightly confused.

"Why are you laughing? Did I say something wrong?" I say while tilting my head and look at him with confused eyes which makes him laugh more. After few minutes Jordan calms down and looks at me smugly while I glare at him.

"Sorry Brie cheese. It's just it's the first time you described someone in such detail. Last time I asked you about a new officer's appearance you said and I quote 'black hair brown eyes '... that's it .. and for you to this.. is a once in a lifetime experie- OWW"

I smack his thigh as hard as I can and cross my arms while glaring at him.

"Shut it pretty boy." I grumble quietly and let out a silent grunt when I hear him laughing. He ruffles my hair and gets off my desk.

Finally .

"Okay Brie cheese. I'll go now but later we can go and work on our case Kay? Kay .. bye~" He says in a sing-song voice and skips away towards his own desk without waiting for my answer.

.. ass.

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