Chapter 7 Briella POV

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What the hell did I get myself in ?

I ask myself The obvious question as currently I'm sitting in the drivers seat of my car with mister Walker . Who is currently happily looking out the window in the passenger seat.

Why did I say that I would drive him ? Why couldn't I ask some other person ? Why couldn't I ordered him an Uber ?

I scold myself mentally at my own idiotic actions. I just had to open my mouth and make myself vulnerable by inserting myself in some strangers life .

Why did I do this ? I know it may not seem like a lot to most people but .. I have never done this .. it feels weird

I frown slightly as I stop the car at the red light and let out an exhausted sigh .

But than again .. I couldn't leave him like that .. he looked so sad .. what was he thinking about to make him so sad ? And why didn't he have anyone to pick him up ?

Furrowing my eyebrows , I glance at him with the corner of my eyes and see him looking out the window with a sad smile . I shake my head and drive the car again at the green light .

Who am I to judge ? Most of his friends are probably working right now and that is because he has no one to pick him up .

I continue to drive in awkward silence before mister Walker speaks up , breaking the silence.

"May I ask you some questions officer Bennett?"

His words send a shiver down my spine as he speaks in a soft voice and I let out a shaky sigh.

There it goes again .. I don't like this ..

I nod my head and momentarily glance at him . His expression is something I would describe .. like of a puppy .. a happy waiting for his owner to pet him or something..

"Yes .. that would be fine mister Walker .. please ask away "

I murmur quietly as I look at the road , avoiding any eye contact with him .. plus it would be really irresponsible of me to not keep my eyes on the road .

"Thank you .. what is your name ? I mean what is your full name ?"

That question coughed me off guard but it wasn't something I didn't expect him to ask . It's a reasonable question.

"It's Briella .. Briella Amaris Bennett ."

My voice comes out quiet and more cold than I anticipated and wanted to be honest .

It's so weird .. I never have problem controlling my body and voice .. but now .. my voice comes out either too harsh or cold because I try really to not show any signs of vulnerability but I just come out as a harsh bitch

I think with a barely visible frown and take a deep breath to calm down . Mister Walker nods and murmurs my name quietly to himself. That makes my stomach flip and I desperately want him to say it louder but obviously I don't ask him to do that .

"Okay .. thank you .. so .. umm how old are you officer Bennett ?"

I couldn't help myself and glance at him momentarily as I turn the corner .

"I'm twenty seven years old .. and how old may you be mister Walker ?"

I say in a much softer voice than before and that catches him off guard since his cheeks heat up and eyes widen . He lets out a breathy chuckle and shrugs .

"No need for formalities .. we don't really have an age difference.. I'm twenty eight years old and please call me Samual .. that's my name "

He says in a smooth voice and my eyes slightly widen at his offer .

Call him .. by his first name ? But that is something only friends do ...

I shake my head and look back at the road .

"Sorry Mister Walker but i prefer if I continued to call you mister Walker since it's more professional and we aren't close enough to call each other by our first names "

I mumble quietly and I didn't need to look .. I could feel him frowning in disappointment. My heart aches at his frown and sad aura .

Why do I feel so sad ? I have never felt so much for a person I didn't even know . maybe it's because he is injured and I don't want him to suffer more .

I think for a logical answer when mister Walker cuts my thoughts.

"It's okay officer Bennett .. I don't mind .. it's only fair .. I won't call you by your first name since it could make you uncomfortable and I don't want that since you helped me so much "

He says with a reassuring smile and soft glint in his stormy eyes .

How did he know that I was thinking about him minding ? Was I that obvious ?

I shrug it off and nod . After this Mister Walker doesn't ask any more questions. The car is filled with awkward silence and only sound is the rain droplets on the windshield.

I glance at mister Walker and let out a quiet sigh . I think for a moment to break the silence and make him feel more comfortable .

Should I turn the radio on ? Would music make it better ? ... why do I care ?

I scratch my head and starts to speak , breaking the silence.

"Would .. it be okay if I turn the radio? The car seems too quiet "

I mumble quietly and grip the steering wheel tighter out of nervousness. Mister Walker look at me with soft eyes and smiles before nodding .

"Of course it's okay officer Bennett.. it would be great to listen to some music "

My cheeks heat up slightly as I quickly turn my head away to hide my blush and nod . I turn the radio on but the colour drains from my face when a song from the musical "Heathers" starts to play .. specifically the song "Blue" .

"~Hey, 'Ronica

Ew... You got a left hand: Use it

Don't talk mean like that

You'll hurt their feelings
You make my balls so blue~"

A blush of embarrassment spreads across my face as I glance at mister Walker . Mister Walker has a confused expression before he burst out laughing at the "you make my balls so blue" .

God how could I forget that I had Bluetooth connected and it was connected to MY Spotify playlist.. god he will think I'm such a dork

I quickly turn the radio off and clear my throat , now mister Walkers laugh being the only thing heard in my car .

Fuck .. this is the worst

After couple of minutes Mister Walker calms down and looks at my blushing face .

"I could have never guessed that you would be into musicals officer Bennett .. you seem so sophisticated and .. well lack of the better word .. cold .. I would think rock or classical music but musicals ? "

I grumble quietly and look back at the road .

"Shut it "

I say in a harsh voice and immediately regret it when I hear the words come out of my mouth . I glance at Mister Walker and see his hurt expression.

I didn't mean to hurt him .. god I'm so stupid

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