Chapter 6 Samuel POV

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Woah .. that was so .. Awesome and .. so terrifying.

The thoughts of the confrontations between officer Bennett and the medic, whose name turns out to be David hasting, is the talk of the people around.

Their whispers mostly range from 'wow that was so scary .. that officer is terrifying' or 'good riddance that doctor dude had it coming' and I couldn't agree more.

That medic was way out of line . I mean who pats a head of a grown OFFICER woman and thinks that they will get away with it.

The medic starts to reluctantly banged my broken leg while muttering to himself about how 'this isn't over' and that 'he will get his revenge on that bitch'. That really sets me off since I don't like someone calling other human being calling such vulgar names with no apparent reason.

Who does he think he is calling officer Bennett a bitch? She was just speaking her mind about the situation. And it's not like she was wrong.

I think to myself angrily but don't do anything because I don't have the guts to do it. I hate conflict and avoid it wherever I can.

The medic begrudgingly finishes his job and glares down at me as he stands up.

"There ... you idiot."

He insults me to my face and walks away while calling someone on the phone. My eyes widen at his audacity.

I mean .. what even did I do to him ? It's not like I intensionally hurt myself.

I sit in the chair with a grumpy expression and crossed arms. But my frown quickly fades when my eyes drift towards a very familiar head of black curls. My chest immediately tightens when I see officer Bennett and without my own knowledge, a small smile appears on my face.

Oh there is officer Bennett. She seems to be talking to someone. Hmm are they friends? sisters? They do look pretty similar with facial features but there a some difference.

I out my index finger on my chin as I start to think more about the subject and stare at officer Bennett and the other officer ".

The other officer has shiny platinum blonde hair while officer Bennett has a beautiful head of jet black curls. From afar I can't really see much of difference in their facial features but I do see that officer Bennett lacks the freckles which other women possesses.

I lean forward slightly as I try to see more of them but than come to a halt.

Wait ... why do I care? Curiosity? Interest? Why do I want to see the subtle difference between these two women and why do I care if they are related or not?

Muffled voice starts to speak to me but I don't acknowledge before their voice raises to get my attention.


Familiar voice calls out to me and I look up. My eyes widen and slight blush spreads across my face as officer Bennett looks down at me with her clam and collected expression.

Oh shit .. what did she say? Did she ask me something?

I let out a nervous chuckle and scratch the back of my neck with my right hand.

"Oh my apologies officer Bennett. I was just lost in my thoughts and didn't realise you were near me or that you were talking to me."

I quickly apologise to her with what I assume a flustered expression since some woman near us react to my face with a small smile and giggles. Officer Bennett Shakes her Head and her curls bounce with her movements.

"No need to apologise mister Walker .. I would assume that you would be quite troubled with what happened to you. I'm truly sorry with what happened with your leg and that god awful medic."

She says in a cold voice but I can sense the sincerity in her voice and in her exquisite emerald green eyes. I shake my head and wave my hand dismissively.

"Oh don't worry .. you couldn't possibly predict if the robbers would hurt some innocent people or not .. and about the medic being a jerk."

My eyes drift towards him with a frown. That medic is sitting on a bench and loudly talking on his phone about 'some disrespectful officer' ... doesn't take a genius to guess who he is talking about . I Look back at her with a soft smile.

"Please do not worry .. he got what he deserved with you chewing him out for his actions."

Her eyes widen slightly but she quickly composes herself and nods.

"Thank you mister Walker .. would it be okay with you if I asked you some questions about the incident?"

I nod my head with slight uncertainty.

Questions about the incident? Is this some kind of interrogation type of thing?

Officer Bennett probably notices my concerns and shakes her head.

"Mister Walker .. do not worry .. we just want to know about the situation at hand but if you are not comfortable with answering my questions now .. we could do it some other time ... I do Not wish to make you uncomfortable."

She says in a calm voice with a hint of softness but it's barely visible. I start to smile softly and nod.

"Thank you officer Bennett and you are correct.. I am uncomfortable right now since I'm injured and in a hurry to get back home .. would it be okay for us to have this conversation some other day? I'm available any day."

She nods her head and lets out a quiet sigh . She looks down at my leg and than back to my eyes.

"Of course mister Walker ... do you have anyone who can pick you up or should we have an officer take you back home?"

My expression softens when I remember Evie being all alone in my apartment and shake my head.

"I'm sorry but I don't have anyone who can pick me up ... could you please arrange that one of the officers takes me home?"

I mumble with slight blush and scratch the back of my neck in nervousness.

God she probably thinks that I have no friends and no family .. I can feel her intense gaze on me.

Her emerald green eyes roam my face and they soften. She nods her head and holds out her hand for me.

"Okay .. I'll take you .. "

She says in a quiet voice and my eyes widen as I stare at her hand.

She will .. take me home ? That is .. so nice of her .. such a beautiful and kind woman .. and it also means that I can spend more time with her.

I smile softly at her and nod . I take her Hand and she helps me up. Putting my arm over her shoulder, she helps me up and takes me towards her car. My heart starts to beat faster and I can feel my face heating up like a boiling pot.

Oh god .. please help me .. her body is so close to me .. her body feels so soft against my .. oh don't think like that Sam ... it's wrong.

I mentally scold myself as she puts me in the passenger seat of her car and close the door ". I take deep breaths as I try to calm my heart down and my blush.

Oh this will be a long ride.

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