4. On the Hunt

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"I remember it all too well."

All Too Well - Taylor Swift



By the time we made it back to camp darkness had drowned the forest and we all walked in silence, exhausted after the day's antics. My eyes settled on the crackling fire in the distance as relief filled my body because at this point I was starving, cold and exhausted. 

"They're back!" A boy called in the distance as all eyes fell onto the group as they made their way out of the forest. Clarke and Finn immediately took Jasper into the dropship to tend to his wounds while Bellamy and Murphy carried the large black animal into the camp. 

"Is he..." I heard a nervous voice from behind me as I turned to see Monty, Jasper's best friend. 

"He's alive." I reassured him, offering a small smile that mirrored the flood of relief washing over his features.

"Who's hungry?" Bellamy's voice called out as the camp cheered in excitement. I turned to see him standing over the large animal with a huge grin. The bastard didn't even kill it I thought to myself with a chuckle. I decided to make my way into the drop ship to check on Jasper. 

"How is he?" I asked as Clarke looked over with a small smile. 

"He's stable for now but without medicine..." Clarke sighed as we all looked down at the poor boy covered in wounds. 

"We'll be out in a minute," Finn replied as I nodded and gave them some privacy. As I made my way out of the drop ship I spotted Bellamy making his way over to me. 

"You should eat something," Bellamy said sternly, more command than suggestion. He held up some of the animal meat on a stick which caused me to chuckle. 

"How generous of you to let me eat the animal I killed." I scoffed causing him to roll his eyes as I took the stick and walked past him to sit on a log next to Octavia. We chatted while eating dinner together as I checked out her injuries from the previous day. 

"They're taking off wristbands for food? No way, I won't do it." Clarke said coming up with Finn and standing beside us in shock. I looked up to see her disheartened expression. Clarke's mother Abbey is up on the Ark and they were always extremely close. In all honesty, I wish I had family up there who loved me because it'd give me someone to fight for besides myself. 

"You don't have to," I assured her, rising to my feet and casting a glance back at Clarke and Finn. With determined strides, I made my way towards the fire where Bellamy stood, removing prisoners' wristbands in exchange for food. I reached out and grabbed two sticks of food without hesitation. Before I could make my way back to Clarke and Finn, Bellamy's hand closed around my upper arm, his grip firm.

Karma - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now